PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. Fantasy and humor in contemporary children's literature: why it is important to offer children many worlds, 8-10 May 2019, Sliven /Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, transl. by Petya Kaneva, Cover artist Boris Stoilov. – Sliven: Zhazhda Publishing, 2019. – 254 p. ISBN 978-619-7239-24-9 The need for spiritual adventures, in which humor and fantasy play an important role, is a constant of childhood, and contemporary children‘s literature has to offer them. That is why the topic of the round table: "Fantasy and Humor in Modern Children's Literature: Why It is Important to Offer Children Many Worlds" included in the program of the XXI National Children's Book Festival is particularly relevant. The purpose of the forum is to answer the question why fantasy is so important to small readers, and how children's literature, through many fantasy worlds, can explain to children the surrounding world with the system of relations and relationships within it, as well as analyze the role of humor as a tool for creating a lasting interest in reading. Seventeen papers included in this bilingual collection were presented at the forum, as part of the papers present different aspects of the communication between the children‘s writer and his readers and the combination of different approaches in the creative process, driven by the need for fantastic magic, as well as the constant need to check, reconsider and rediscover the life through laughter and joke for the creation of good and influential works for children. Many of the reports are devoted to humor as a philosophy in children's literature, the main tasks of humor and how it develops different types of thinking in children-readers. Talented authors of modern children's literature with inimitable style and masterful sense of humor are presented. A special place is devoted to the fantasy and humor in Lyuben Dilov's fantastic novel "The Starry Adventures of Numi and Niki" and in the children's tales of Valeri Petrov. The humor in Krasimir Damianov's "Tales for Fastidious Children" was studied. It analyzes the comic interpretation of the world and the role of humor and irony as an emotional reaction and atmosphere in the teenage novels of Julia Spiridonova-Yulka. Two children's books by Zornitsa Hristova, which move away from the trivial plots of predictable fate, from the familiar typology of the characters and the cliché heroic models, are examined. An overview of the best-read children's humor books by modern foreign authors published in Hungarian translations as well as the best books by modern Hungarian writers is presented, analyzing the foreign influences and national characteristics of the humorous books for children and adolescents in Hungary. The nonsense and humor in the work of the contemporary Czech writer Petr Nikl were studied. The main aspects of the development of humor in modern Serbian poetry for children are explored. The tales of Serbian writer Grozdana Oluich as a guide to children's desires to other worlds are analyzed. Works by authors from the Bulgarian minority in Serbia are presented, with an emphasis on fantasy and humor in their specific creative imagery. The publishing policies of the latest Bulgarian children's publishing house "Studio for Bulgarian Children's Literature "Upper Land" are analyzed. A special place is devoted to the perception of fantasy and humor in contemporary children's literature by the modern reader-recipient and experience of innovative pedagogical practices for presenting works by contemporary Bulgarian authors through different methods of integration of school and extra-curricular cultural and educational resources is shared. The main conclusion is that fantasy and humor in contemporary children's literature are equally necessary for children. And our most important task is to give children a world where adults will read to them, they will read, fantasize, and understand what they read in the books by talented children's authors who are able to write in an interesting, wise, and witty way. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. To Catch A Star: Collection of works-winners in a National literary competition / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, Cover artist Boris Stoilov. – Sliven: Zhazhda Publishing, 2019. – 80p., cum col. Ill. ISBN 978-619-7239-23-2 For the sixteenth consecutive year, the organizers of the National Children's Book Festival - Sliven published in a collection the awarded works of the participants in the annual National Literature Competition, which is traditionally held on the eve of the festival. In the contest "To Catch a Star", organized within the XXI National Children's Book Festival - Sliven, 2019 more than 840 young authors aged 7 to 18 were involved, from all over the country and from Bulgarian communities abroad, presented one or two works - magnificent poems, stories or fairy tales. Twenty six young artists whose works were included in the collection were distinguished as winner in the competition. The works of the contestants bring the reader into the enigmatic territory of dreams and desires. Numerous beautiful stories represent the pursuit of their authors to capture a star - falling or radiating to the sky, a piece of heaven and the divine, a piece of unreachable one to fulfill their desires. The variety of ideas is great. The infinite childhood fantasy leads us into the past and the future, in different parts of the world, in space. It is nice to know that the dreams of most of the young authors are connected not with material things but with the most important values of life. We sincerely enjoy the child's concern about the problems of others and their desire to be resolved. The works of the participants in the contest are distinguished by poetic language, originality and delicacy, with children's purity and authenticity, with a slim sense of universal values and interesting messages. Various, colorful worlds, unusual events, characters and experiences, brave rhymes surprising literally from every page. The humor of some of the small authors is also enjoyable, which naturally makes their works more interesting and memorable. Elder contestants are impressed by the intriguing interpretations of the subject, expressed social thinking, unexpected maturity, deep and contagious emotionality. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
![]() Маya Bocheva: An Exhibition of illustrations: A Catalogue / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova -Vasileva, Illustrated by Maya Bocheva. – Sliven: Zhazhda Publishing,, 2019. – 16p., cum col. ill. ISBN 978-619-7239-22-5 In the catalog of the exhibition of illustrations by Maya Bocheva - winner of Konstantin Konstantinov National Award in category "Illustrator" for 2018, there are 52 illustrations of the artist from more than 150 books for children published by the Bulgarian publishing houses "Damian Yakov", "Janet 45","Soft Press"," Fjut", "Pan"," Ella", etc., as well as from the book "Dobrosatsite" by Nikola Raikov, already translated and published in China, and from its author's series of interactive fairy tales „This and that“. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. Balkan Children's Literatures and their distribution in Europe: Collection of reports of the round table, 8-10 May 2018, Sliven / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, transl. by Petya Kaneva, Cover artist Boris Stoilov. – Sliven: Zhazhda Publishing, 2018. – 224p. ISBN 978-619-7239-18-8 The dissemination of national literatures in foreign literary spaces today, despite the preached liberal ideas of an open society and a world without frontiers, is linked to a number of constraints. The main one is that national literature is internally limited by the boundaries of the language in which it is written. Language is the most important means of expressing national identity. Even in a globalizing world, even when written by emigrant writers, the affiliation of the literary work is determined by the national language. There is no national literature that is inferior to others because literature reflects and compares itself with the history of the people and the language from which it is inspired - not with other literatures. The fact that some national literatures occupy a greater share than others in the world literary Treasury is due more to the popularity of their language than to the literary quality of the works. Every national children's literature is comparable globally. But today we more often admit that national children's literatures in countries with so-called "small" languages, such as the Balkan countries, are in crisis as the crisis has two aspects in general: readers’ - readers in the country are less interested in it, and foreigner readers do not know it, because there are not so many books translated - and the second aspect - the writers are confused about the values they concern in their books. When we talk about the popularization and distribution of national children's literature in other countries, we have to recognize that the key to success is to overcome national peculiarities. Every national literature has certain national characteristics, it is inspired by the native reality and characters, but to rely only on this features, to artificially strengthen and emphasize these national features is not a good strategy and it ultimately leads to making literature unknown to foreigners. Success depends to a large extent on the qualities of the literature itself - it must be contemporary and to interpret universal topics. But what brings it to the world literary process in which it wishes to participate, by right, is translation. Translation is the only way to form a supranational children's reader community and participate in the European literary process. In order children's literature created in the Balkan countries, to be wider disseminated and popularized in the European literary space it requires the unification of the efforts of the organizations, dealing with books in these countries, institutional support and state and private initiatives to stimulate the translation of this literature into foreign languages. The Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2018 is a good opportunity to focus on the achievements of modern Bulgarian children's literature and national children's literatures from the Balkan countries in order to overcome the closeness of these literatures and to gain wider dissemination in the countries of Europe. That is why this forum is being organized and its ultimate goal is to outline specific guidelines for co-operation and allocation of responsibilities for the foreseeable future. The reports included in the collection "Balkan Children's Literatures and Their Disseminaition in Europe" trace the state of translation of books of national children's literature from several Balkan countries into the European literary space during the last two decades. There is a complete overview of Bulgarian children's books translated into foreign languages for the period presented. Today's presence of Serbian literature for children in the European readers' sphere is analyzed. In some of the reports the factors that influence the translation and distribution of Balkan children's literatures in foreign literary spaces are analyzed. The reasons for the blurring of boundaries between national and global literary and cultural models have been formulated. Literature for children is described through the cultural heritage of the Balkans. A special place is devoted to the specific qualities of the children's book today that make it interesting for children's audience worldwide. The difficulties that the contemporary Bulgarian children's writer (and not only Bulgarian) has to go through when publishing his books in a foreign language are outlined. Books for children by Dimitar Inkyov, one of the most successful Bulgarian emigrant writers abroad, who created real masterpieces translated into more than 25 languages and distributed in more than 50 countries are presented. A special place is devoted to the distribution of Bulgarian children's literature on the Balkans, the Czech Republic, Hungary, France. Good examples are given to popularize the children's books by contemporary Bulgarian authors abroad, including the activities of the Bulgarian publishing house Elitchka in France and the Czech portal The activity of Bratstvo Publishing (Serbia) from its establishment until today and its role in the distribution of Balkan children's literatures is analyzed. The latest research on the publication and distribution of children's books by contemporary authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina in the EU countries is presented. Common policies, strategies and activities have been outlined to present the best achievements of Balkan children's literatures in foreign languages and their inclusion in European literary exchange. A special place is dedicated to the contribution of the National Children's Book Festival to popularize the work of contemporary Bulgarian authors abroad as well as the annual meetings and the importance of making contacts for the implementation of translations of children's books by Bulgarian authors in other countries and authors from the Balkan countries in Bulgaria. And what is the future distribution of Balkan children's literatures in foreign literary spaces? It is always difficult to predict the future. The main conclusion is that the future development of Balkan children's literatures is related to common policies, strategies and activities to present their best achievements into foreign language and their inclusion in European literary exchange. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
For the fifteenth consecutive year, organizers of the National Children's Book Festival - Sliven issued medley of winning works of the participants in the annual National Literature Competition, which is traditionally held on the eve of the festival. More than 840 young artists from across the country and Bulgarian communities abroad /Australia, Austria, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, Canada, Moldova USA, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine, etc./ took part in the literary competition „Miracle on Demand”, organized within the framework of the XX National Children's Book Festival - Sliven, 2018 and they presented one or two works - great poems, stories or tales. It is good that variety of points of view and different interpretations depending on the age of the participants are presented. In their works the young authors seek an answer to the question of the meaning of the miracle, and their responses have been deeper and more essential than can be expected of their age. It is nice to understand that for most of them the desired miracle is not related to material things but to the most important values of life. We sincerely welcome the child's concern about the problems of others and the desire to make a miracle so that they can be resolved. For many of the young authors the desired miracle is for the orphans to have loving parents, the sick to be healed, the homeless to get home, the weak – to be protected, the sad – to be happy, and the lonely – to make friends. The works of the participants also interpret topics that we traditionally believe are not childish, such as drug addiction, violence, alienation, attitudes towards different ethnic groups. The works of the participants are distinguished in poetic language, with children's purity and authenticity, with originality and delicacy, with interesting messages. Extremely nice is the sense of humor that some of the small authors have, and of course it makes their works more interesting and memorable. Elder participants have also shown their attempts at more imagery and more complicated storytelling. They also impress us with the intriguing interpretations of the subject, the expressed social thinking, the unexpected maturity, the deep and contagious emotionality that awakens empathy. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
Damyan Damyanov: Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, Ill. Damyan Damyanov. – Sliven: Zhazhda Publishing, 2018. – 16p., cum col. ill. ISBN 978-619-7239-17-1 The catalog of the exhibition of illustrations of Damyan Damyanov – a winner of Konstantin Konstantinov National Award in category "Illustrator" for 2017, contains 68 illustrations of the artist from over 20 books for children published by Bulgarian publishing houses "Ciela", "Colibri" "Ergon", "List", and the game-book "Draw Me a Sheep" based on Exupery. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. I wa-a-a-ant! Stories of grown-up children: XX National Children’s Book Festival. Collection of stories / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva. – Sliven: Published by Sava Dobroplodni Regional Library, Printed by Zhazhda Publishing, 2018. – 80p., cum col.ill. ISBN 978-619-7239-21-8 The collection of stories "I wa-a-a-a-ant" gathers six a kind of cheerful, a kind of tragicomic stories of childhood, told by the writers Angelina Zhekova, Bozhana Apostolova, Aneta Ducheva Fermann, Nikola Raykov, Rumen Ivanchev and Petya Kokudeva - authors awarded during the period 2013-2017 the National Konstantin Konstantinov Prize, awarded during the National Children's Book Festival, in the categories “for overall contribution" and "author ". It is the second part of the collection of the same name, the first part of which was released in 2013 and it contained stories told by award winners in these categories for the period 2004-2012. "They love to ask us, adults, whether we feel sorry about our childhood gone. The ones that lost it probably feel sorry. But for the ones that keep it always in their hearts – it is a great mountain of light." – These are the word of Julia Spiridonova-Julka that she wrote in her "story", which is in the first part of this wonderful collection. And her finding could serve as a motto to the stories of all the other authors. They are a confirmation of the century-old statement by Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "I am descended from my childhood." A happy childhood does not necessarily mean an easy life in which all your favors are satisfied. Some of the authors included in the collection did not have a childhood filled with material well-being. But they had dreams, thirst for adventure, longing for magical worlds, curiosity about the surrounding natural world, even to the smallest grass, the unconscious striving for creativity. And in their fascinating, entertaining, wondrous stories, written especially for the second part of the collection "I wa-a-a-nt!", Which was published on occasion of the 20th anniversary of the National Children's Book Festival in Sliven, they are giving this message by their today's wisdom: unobtrusively and non-didactically. But with a smile and hope that children are always children, so they will understand and that even the current little computer experts whom we find it difficult to explain what a miracle is the ragged soccer ball that has been put into "doors" built by four street cobbles will feel the thrill of the narrative. And they will want to look into this magical world, next to theirs. The contribution of the director of Sava Dobroplodni Regional Library, Dr. Rositsa Petrova-Vasileva, the author of the original idea and the book's compiler, is indisputable for the success of both parts of the publication. Especially important is the compiler’s own notion about a collection of similar stories (so far not published in Bulgaria), as well as the serious organizational activity including dialogue with the authors, editing, forming a team to implement the final product - a unique idea and magnificent, both in content and in print. The "visual" side of the collection must also be noted. The talents of Boris Stoilov, Petar Stanimirov, Kostadin Kostadinov and Silvia Kaloyanova, winners of the Konstantin Konstantinov National Award in category "Illustrator" for the period 2013-2017, which have become one of the best masters - illustrators of children's literature took part in the illustrating of the book. They have offered a gifted interpretation of literary texts - each in their distinctive, artistic manner. They have illustrated the stories literally, but also metaphorically, cheerfully enlightening their sense of the beautiful world of childhood. The contribution of Peter Stanimirov also for the overall artistic layout of the two parts of the publication is undisputable. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. Books, children and teenagers: reading between reason and emotions: Collection of reports of the round table, 9-11 May 2017, гр.Сливен – Books, children and teenagers: reading between reason and emotions: Collection of reports of the round table, 9-11 May 2017, Sliven / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, transl. by Petya Kaneva, Cover artist Boris Stoilov. – Sliven: Zhazhda Publishing, 2017. – 220p. ISBN 978-619-7239-11-9 The special role of literary culture and its bearer - "the reading man" in the development of civilization is undeniable. The written text can be found everywhere and therefore reading is a fundamental skill that will increase its importance in all spheres of life. The main question today is whether the person uses reading rationally and productively for him and for society. In the information age the type of device for reading - book or computer screen - is essential. More important is person to have internal need to read, to perceive purposefully fictional or other type of text for his moral or professional development and self-affirmation. Reading is especially important in the long process of early formation of character and personality of children (between 6 and 10 years old). During this period, it plays a crucial role as a source for the acquisition and assimilation of another’s life experience. In this sense, the formation of reading habits in childhood and youth is fundamental. In the heyday of the computer era and infinitely wider and longer accessible channels for exchanging information and communication without borders the traditional model of children's reading abruptly changed, a new model "screen" reading was created. Concerns about the coming "not reading generation" in the changed conditions, about the crisis in children's reading have somewhat their real reason. Indeed, today children are more often not reading the books that their parents have read or they do not have their reading habits and interests. And not only the Internet and new technologies, e-book phenomenon, the speed of information exchange and communication are to blame for the sudden change of readers’ interests. The status of reading as a social and individual value, its duration, its character, how to assimilate and analyze printed text for children and adults, incentives for reading have changed. Therefore, the motivation of children and teenagers to read today is a global problem. The aim of the forum "Books, children and teenagers: reading between reason and emotions" is to analyze reading as a conscious process and the factors that influence today the transformation of children and teenagers into active readers, and to outline the current state of national policies in the context of these factors. The emphasis is put on some successful innovative practices and activities to increase their motivation to read. The reports included in the collection, analyze reading as a cognitive process and as an important factor in forming the identity of the individual in the period of initial development. The change in the processes of children's reading in the transition between the book and the digital age in a completely different information environment is described. The impact of modern literature on child-reader is analyzed. Examples of "universal" books of the world's literary treasure with a long literary life and phenomenal in the world of children worldwide are described too. The role of humor as a tool to create a lasting interest in reading and to build reading habits in children and adolescents is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the need to rethink the educational content and methodology of teaching literature to stimulate children's reading. Experience of innovative pedagogical practices to promote children's reading through the integration of curricular and extracurricular cultural and educational resources is shared. Different aspects of communication between children's writers and their readers as a way to boost children's reading are presented. Graphic composition of the book and its reflection on children's reading is analyzed. The activities of various state and public structures for accelerating the processes related to the promotion and stimulation of children's reading in Latin America /Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina/ are presented. Best practices, programs and strategies for promoting reading in the Netherlands are discussed. Current programs to stimulate reading among children, teenagers and young adults in "LibraRealm" children's library in the city of Pecs /Hungary/ are presented. Special attention is paid to the need libraries to adapt to changed realities and their role and importance for creating reading habits and maintain interest in reading among children and teenagers. Successful campaigns to promote reading to children up to 14 years between 2013 and 2016 are presented. The main conclusion to be made is that efforts of parents, authors, publishers, educational and cultural institutions, of the whole society united in clear national strategies are needed to stimulate children's reading today. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. In Searching for a Talisman for Happiness: Collection of works-winners in a National literary competition / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, Cover artist Boris Stoilov. – Sliven: Zhazhda Publishing, 2017. – 80p., cum col. ill. ISBN 978-619-7239-13-3 For the fourteenth consecutive year, organizers of the National Children's Book Festival - Sliven issued medley of winning works of the participants in the annual National Literature Competition, which is traditionally held on the eve of the festival. More than 830 young artists from across the country and Bulgarian communities abroad /Australia, Austria, United Kingdom, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Canada, Moldova USA, Hungary, Ukraine, etc./ took part in the literary competition „In Searching for a Talisman for Happiness”, organized within the framework of the XIX National Children's Book Festival - Sliven, 2017 and they presented one or two works - great poems, stories or tales. The collection represented the best of them. In their works the participants ask very important questions about the meaning of happiness, they try to answer them in their childish way, and their answers have been deeper and more essential than we adults may expect for their age. It is nice to understand that happiness for most of the young authors is not related to material things but to the most important values of life. The works of the participants were written in a poetic language, had a childish purity and authenticity, they contained interesting messages. Every page radiated fresh imagination, unexpected, colorful worlds, surprising stories, brave rhymes. We have been very pleased by the sense of humor that some of the small authors have, and of course that made their works more interesting. Elder participants have also shown their attempts at more imagery and more complicated storytelling. They also impressed us by their intriguing interpretations of the subject, their social thinking, the unexpected maturity, the deep and contagious emotionality that awakens empathy. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
Romina Beneventi: An exhibition of illustrations / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, Ill. Romina Beneventi. – Sliven: Zhazhda Publishing, 2017. –16p., cum col. ill. ISBN 978-619-7239-14-0 The catalog of the exhibition of illustrations by the Italian artist Romina Beneventi contains 66 illustrations from the books: “Lulu. Poems for children and for adults” by Petya Kokudeva. /Janet 45 Publishing, 2011/; “Storytelling (Fiabeggiando 2), text: R. Т. Bruno / Giovane Holden, 2011/; “Tiny creatures- text by Petya Kokudeva / Janet 45, 2014/;“The Secret ingredient” (L'ingrediente Segreto), text: R. Т. Bruno / Fasi di Luna, 2015/; “Questions”, text: Petya Kokudeva / Janet 45, 2016/; “ The Aselina's Guest House in Pompeii” ("La locanda di Asellina a Pompei"), text: R. Т. Бруно/ La Medusa, 2017/. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
Silviya Kaloyanova: An exhibition of illustrations: A Catalogue / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, Ill. Silviya Kaloyanova. – Sliven: Zhazhda Publishing, 2017. –16p., cum col. ill. ISBN 978-619-7239-12-6 The catalog of the exhibition of illustrations by Silviya Kaloyanova – a winner of the National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" in the category "Illustrator" for 2016, presents 66 illustrations by the artist of more than 30 children's books published by Bulgarian publishers. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
Five books have been
published in 2016: four of them were issued during the days of the XVIIIth
National Children's Book Festival and a bio-bibliography dedicated to the
symbols of Sliven in the works of Bulgarian writers released on the eve of
the feast of Sliven - Saint Dimitar's day.
Dissemination of national literatures in foreign literary spaces today,
although the liberal ideas of open society and a world without borders
proclaimed, involves a number of restrictions. The main one is that the
national literature is inherently limited by the boundaries of the language
in which it is written. Language is the most important means of expression
of national identity. Even in the globalizing world, even when it was
written by writers immigrants, the literary work’s belonging is determined
by the national language.
There is no national
literature that is more insignificant than the others because literature
reflects and depicts the history of the people and the language by which it
was inspired - not other literatures. The fact that in the global literary
repertory some national literatures occupy larger part than others, due more
to the popularity of their language - rather than the literary quality of
From this point of view, each national children's literature is comparable
worldwide, i. e., there is no reason to feel minified.
When we talk about the promotion and dissemination of national and
children’s literatures in the globalizing world we must recognize that the
key to success is to transcend national circumstances. Each national
literature has certain national characteristics, it was inspired by the
native reality and characters, but to rely only on this characteristics, to
strengthen artificially and focuses mostly on those national peculiarities
is not a good strategy and it ultimately leads to a limitation and
provincialism. Success largely depends on the quality of literature itself -
it must interpret contemporary and universal themes. But what takes it into
the world literary process in which it wants to participate is translation.
Translation is the only way for global impact and formation of supranational
children's reader community. The
aim of the forum
"National teens in the global world" is to
track the status
of the translation of works of individual national
children’s literatures
in other countries, to analyze factors influencing the translation and
distribution in foreign literary spaces,
editorial policies for
translation of children's literature,
methods to promote cross-border circulation and distribution of
literary works through traditional and digital channels.The reports included
in the book analyze the exchange of works of national
children’s literatures in the
global world cultural space.
The necessity of theory evaluation of current literature for children
at national and global levels was defined.
The reasons for new interpretations of reality in children's
literature in the context of globalization
are examined.
The reasons, causing
blurring of boundaries between national and global literary and cultural
patterns are formulated.
The present and
future of Bulgarian children's book publishing in conditions of
globalization is analyzed.
They present the latest researches
publication and distribution of world children's literature in Bosnian
language and Bosnian
children's literature in other languages.
The distribution
of Hungarian children's and adolescent literature abroad
is analyzed.
Special attention is paid to the state and private initiatives to stimulate
the translation of Hungarian literature in foreign languages.
The translation of
Bulgarian children's literature in Serbia and the former republics of
Yugoslavia and Serbian writers in Bulgaria and the factors that influence
the selection, translation and publishing of their books
is analyzed.
The current state
of publishing and distribution of Spanish-language literature in Latin
America /Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina/
is presented.The
use of traditional
elements in modern Turkish literature with the aim of better understanding
of national identity using examples from the works of the most translated
contemporary Turkish authors
is analyzed.
Special attention is paid to the role of translation for the distribution of
the national children's literature of a country in other linguistic and
cultural areas. Examples
of "universal" editions of the world's literary treasure with a long
literary life and phenomenal place in the world of children around the world
Requirements to
translators and the main problems they face today
are analyzed.
An international
experience for institutional support for the national translation andnational
children’s literatures is described. Special attention is paid to the
problems faced by authors of children's books in the conditions of
globalization worldwide and particularly in Bulgaria.
European good
practices in contemporary publishing
for profiling and
selection of the publishing repertoire in the context of global publishing
processes and issuance of modern literature for children and teenagers
are presented.
The change in the
processes of children's reading the transition between the
printed book and
the digital age in a completely different information environment is described.
A new vision of children's libraries in the information age
is outlined. The issue was published with the financial support of
the Ministry of Culture.
For the thirteenth
consecutive year, organizers of the National Children's Book Festival -
Sliven issued medley
of winning works of
the participants in the annual National Literature Competition, which is
traditionally held on the eve of the festival.
More than 800 young artists from across the country and Bulgarian
communities abroad took part in the
literary competition
"The Secret
of a dream
seller", organized within the framework of the XVIIIth National Children's Book Festival - Sliven, 2016
and they presented one or two works - great poems, stories or
tales. The collection represented the best of them.
The diversity of
interpretation of the theme of the competition
is surprising.
It is nice to know
that dreams of most young
writers are associated not with material things, but the most
important values of life.
In a childishly sincere
way they reveal their ideas about the meaning of life, about the
difference between good and evil, the price of dreams.
New topics that
we traditionally
believe are not for
children also appear:
these are the topics about drugs, violence, alienation,
concern about
different people. The works of
the participants are distinguished by great freshness of ideas, children's
purity and authenticity, with
a delicate sense of human values, interesting messages. Extremely
pleasing is the sense of humor that some of the young
writers have, and
which of course makes their works
more interesting and vivid.
writes made
visible attempts to more fictionalizing
and striving to achieve more complex plot twists. The issue was published with the financial support of
the Ministry of Culture.
The catalog of the exhibition of illustrations "Peak" by the artist Peter
Stanimirov – a winner of many prestigious honors and awards including: Prize
"Graviton" - for contribution to Bulgarian fiction - "For a good imagination
and goodness of imagination"; National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" - for
contribution to children's publishing in category "Illustrator" (2012);
Award for best classical cartoon of Xth International Salon of comics -
Belgrade (2012); First Annual Awards "Book for You" (2012) - prize for best
cover; Bulgarian nominations for Eurocon (2014) –
for the best
artist in the field of science fiction,
etc., includes 84 illustrations and portraits painted by the artist
for various editions of "East-West" Publishing House
for the series World classic for Children and Adolescents
that gained
popularity not only among the Bulgarian readers, but also abroad. The issue was published with the financial support of
the Ministry of Culture.
The catalog of the
of illustrations
by Kostadin Kostadinov
a winner of the
National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" in the category "Illustrator" for
52 illustrations by the artist of children's books and comics albums-adaptations
of famous literary works of literature,
published by Bulgarian
and foreign publishers.
There are many symbols of Sliven –
the Balkan, Blue Rocks, Old
Elm, chieftain Hadji Dimitar, the factory of Dobri Zheliazkov, Chintulov’s
songs and many historical places, people and events ...
Symbols uniting the spirit of
enterprise, the rebellious flame, the impulse of the enlightenment.
Symbols that make the city
unique, attractive for conquerors and travelers, but also inspiration for
many artists. In bibliography "Sliven
and its
symbols in the works of Bulgarian writers" are presented fullestly the literary works that are inspired by these symbols. Със свои произведения в него са включени:
The bibliography
is the result of a review of many sources.
It covers the
period from 1872,
when the first publication related to the topic
dates from,
until the first
half of 2016. It also
presents 749 posts
by 234
writers. It
includes: Hristo Botev - the poet who first
described the feat
of the Chieftain
Hadji Dimitar, Lyuben
Karavelov – who
wrote the first play
about the
chieftain, and the
writers Anton Strashimirov, Dobri Nemirov, Nikola Furnadzhiev,
Dimitar Polyanov, Yordan Yovkov, Chudomir,
Slav Hr. Karaslavov,
Dimitar Mantov, Ilia Volen,
Tsoncho Rodev, Fani Popova - Mutafova, Naiden Valchev, Assen Bosev, Evtim
Evtimov, Georgi Konstantinov, Lamar, Dimitar Osinin,
Georgi Slavov..., and
also writers, who were born in Sliven or spent a part of their lives in
Sliven like: Elisaveta
Bagryana, Konstantin Konstantinov, Jordan Bogdar, Radoy Ralin, Damyan Damyanov, Stanka Pencheva, Atanas Slavov,
Dimitar Gundov, Petar Dimitrov - Rudar, Yordan Yankov, Nadia Nedelina,
Valentina Radinska, Acad. Ivanka Deneva,
Dimitar Petlenski,
Pavel Vesnakov,
Konstantin Sharkov,
Zheliaz Kondev, Kamen Vasevski, Denyo Denev, Sava Peev, Petar
Dobrev, Atanas Tsonkov, Victor Doychinov,
Keti Bozukova,
Nikolay Sultanov .... and many other writers. The titles included in the bibliography are in Bulgarian language and to
facilitate users
are divided into two main parts: Poetry and Prose. Publications in
both sections are presented chronologically by the year of printing, and in
each year - alphabetically, by heading –
surname of the author or the first word of the title. All publications are selected "de visu".
In brief annotations are given information about the content of the
materials mentioned,
notes about places, people
and events, etc. To facilitate the search of titles at the end of the bibliographic index there is a system of bookmarks. Especially valuable is the Index of works by literary types and titles /poetry and prose, drama, historical essays, novellas, novels, essays, stories, essays, plays, travelogues, short stories, memoirs, feuilletons, interviews, speeches/. It is a contribution to the publication, because many of the works in their publication are not correctly defined by literary types. In Index of names writers included in the directory are presented. The geographical index facilitates the search for work in a specific geographical mark. An Index of periodicals in Bulgarian, in which works by Bulgarian writers about Sliven and its symbols are published is attached too.The directory is the first bibliography covering literary publications devoted to Sliven and its symbols. It will be a valuable guide for students, teachers and researchers /literary scholars, linguists, historians, cultural workers, reasearchers of the region, etc /, and for all citizens of Sliven that through the works by famous Bulgarian writers included in it will be able to rediscover the uniqueness of their hometown. |
Six editions were published in 2015: three were issued during the XVIIth National Children's Book Festival, two editions were dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the library, and a bio-bibliography was dedicated to the 85 years anniversary of the birth of writer Atanas Slavov was published.
Fantasy literature has a rich history of ups and downs, with stages of major achievements and widespread distribution that alternate with periods of lack of interest in it and even condemnation. Despite its repeated "temporary" existence in the literary underground, fantasy literature always reappears. Without its influence, many masterpieces of world literature would have been unthinkable or would not have such an effect. Today the magical power of fantasy literature, and in particular of fantasy literature for children and teenagers, is touching millions of readers and interest in it is constantly increasing, but literary criticism pays less attention to this phenomenon. Therefore, the topic of the round table: "Modern fantasy literature for children - between tradition and new trends", included in the program of the XVII National Children's Book Festival, is a topic of present interest. The aim of the forum is to present the characteristics of the genre and to answer the question how fantasy literature attracts contemporary child and teenager and how it affects the process of reading. Most reports reveal the historical development of fantasy literature for children in various national literatures analyzing traditional elements and new trends in children's fantasy literature. The works of famous fantasy authors, their specific styles and creative imagery are presented. Special attention is paid to the humor in the youth fantasy literature from Lewis Carroll to Terry Pratchett. Reasons for the blurring of the boundaries between modern fantasy literature for adults and children are examined. The position of fantasy literature in the culture of teenagers is analysed. Latest trends in fantasy literature related to change and new roles of evil, the emergence of modern quest/adventure marked by new media and technological innovation, new elements and objectives of the demand, characteristics of modern children characters, the emergence of new worlds, new values and messages, etc. are outlined. Bulgarian publishing practice in the field of fantasy literature for children and teenagers is described. Publishing policies for fantasy literature for children and teenagers of publishing corporations and famous publishers worldwide are analyzed. The basic aspects, problems and trends in fantasy literature for children in the countries of North America and Australia are described. The foreign influences and national characteristics of fantasy novels for children and adolescents in Hungary, Serbia and Turkey are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the differences between crime fiction and science fiction as two types of narrative outlining opposite trends. The only library of science fiction in Turkey is presented. The basic aspects of the development of modern fantasy literature and cinema for children are outlined. Focus is put on the study of fantasy literature for children by students of pedagogical specialties, and its inclusion in their future teaching practice. Special attention is paid to the use of fantasy books in studying foreign languages by children and teenagers. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture.
For the twelfth consecutive year the organizers of the National Children's Book Festival - Sliven published a compendium of winning works of the participants in the annual national literature competition, which is traditionally held on the eve of the festival. More than 800 young artists from across the country and Bulgarian communities abroad are presented with one or two works - great poems, stories or tales took part in the literary competition "On the trail of a message in a bottle". The collection presented the best of them. The diversity of approaches to the theme of the contest is surprising. Many of the works feature unexpected for the age of the authors mature and serious notions about the most important questions of existence - life and death, love and the fate of Earth, and the preservation of its natural resources, relationships between members of one family, moral values. The fictional characters of their stories are often traditional: dragons, monsters, witches and wizards, but their poor strength decreases and a heap by the help of kind words, of sincere tears, of joint efforts of our favorite people, the precious gestures of charity and friendship. Some new topics, we traditionally believe that they are not interpreted by children surprised us too. For example different people and their relations with others, and care for people at risk. The theme of charity and the sad topic for material things in life that sometimes make people indifferent and self-interested, jealous and cruel. Some authors make it clear that they do not like future in which technology, but not humanity, kindness and charity reign. And it is also very impressive. There is a prevalent tendency to introspection and deriving conclusions about the meaning of life, about the difference between good and evil, and - of course, love in the works of the elder participants. The works of the winners impress with their poetic language, originality and sensitivity. We find interesting idea, a different message in each of them. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture.
In the catalog of the exhibition of illustrations by Penko Gelev - winner of the National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" in the category "Illustrator" for 2014, 52 illustrations by the artist of children's books and comic album-adaptations of famous literary works of literature issued in Bulgarian and foreign publishers are presented. Eight illustrations from the book "Tales of the Magic Flute," which has won several international and national awards are included too. Illustrations by Penko Gelev feature a different style, with a specific creative imagery, with custom visual solutions and present trends, innovations and new aesthetic standards of modern illustration applied in today's editions for children. Penko Gelev belongs to the generation of contemporary Bulgarian illustrators who are constantly looking for new ways and techniques, new compositional decisions and expressiveness, and through their illustrations keep alive the interest of children to the best works of national and foreign literature.
Most important moments of the 60-year existence of the library are presented in chronological order in the chronicle. Although limited in dates, it is an attempt of the compiler to reveal library’s history. And if in the first years of its existence the emphases on individual activities are less, the reason is not that we think they are less important, but because of the faded memories and lack of reliable information. There is a special part in the chronicle too dedicated to all librarians, principals and other staff who have worked or are still working for the valuable existence of "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library in the life of Sliven and with their devoted activity they have turned the library into a temple of science and culture, in a center, where times and ideas cross, a symbol of unfettered thought and part of the information society without borders and in a place where the manifestations of our national identity and European comparability live. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture.
The collection presents the winning works from the literary contest "Library - My Treasure Island" dedicated to 60th anniversary of "Sava Dobroplodni" regional library - Sliven. What library means for children and what treasures it offers? Each contestant has his answer. For the majority of participants in the competition library means a wide open door to unknown worlds. Inspired by stories read in books, by their inexhaustible imagination, young writes brought us into a different world, endlessly exciting and beautiful where by a magical phrase, miraculous wand with, good act or good word miracles come true. For many participants library is an island of dreams, desires, discoveries, and through knowledge of the books they conquer new territories and new spirit, knowledge and joy. For some of the young writers library is also an opportunity to escape from the reality in which there is too much injustice, disappointment, misunderstanding, alienation, loneliness. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture.
The bio-bibliography is issued on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the birth of one of the most unrelenting contemporary Bulgarian defenders of freedom of thought and expression - a talented writer, publicist, translator, scholar, public figure - Atanas Slavov, one of the last representatives of eminent figures- cosmopolitans and encyclopedic figures of the 20th century.
Bulgaria is in debt to Atanas Slavov, described by Kurt Vonnegut as a "very
strong and talented writer." Many of his works from the years of his
emigration / 1976-1990 / are unknown and underestimated. The purpose of this
bibliography is to provide the most complete list of publications by
and about Atanas Slavov and to support future researchers of his
immense work. Publications in all sections are presented chronologically by the year of their publishing, and in each year - alphabetically by heading - the surname of the author or the first word of the title. Information about the content of the materials, explanations about persons and events mentioned, etc., is provided in short annotations. Literature in Bulgarian language has been tracked down by major bibliographical sources, analytical card index of the Institute for Literature at the BAS, electronic catalog and regional studies file and the archives of Atanas Slavov in "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library – Sliven, containing all the books of the writer issued in Bulgaria and abroad and created with his assistance. Bibliographies in books and articles, bibliographic citations footnotes and the personal archive of writer stored in the literary study "Atanas Slavov" in "Sava Dobroplodni" regional library are studied too. There are also included publications from electronic media. Most of the books and articles are described "de visu". To facilitate the search of the literature at the end of the bibliographic index there is a system of bookmarks applied. Citations in the directory are made according to current standards / BDS 15419-82. Bibliographic description of books and BDS 17264-91.Analitic bibliographic citation /. The bio-bibliography "Atanas Slavov" is the only bibliographic edition, which in such completeness reflects the overall creativity and multifaceted activities of Atanas Slavov. It will be a valuable tool for students and researchers / literary critics, art critics, historians, cultural anthropologists, political scientists, researchers of the region, etc. / not only of the life and work of the writer at home and abroad, but also of the literary and social processes in Bulgaria by the end 50s of last century to the present day and especially in the years of the democratic transition. |
Four books were published by Sava Dobroplodni Regional Library- Sliven in 2014. Three editions were published within the Sixteenth National Children's Book Festival - Sliven, 7- 9 May 2014: Proceedings of the round table with international participation "Children and reading - between traditional and e-book"; Collection of award-winning works from the National literary competition "The story of a magic seeker"; A catalog of Exhibition of illustrations by Boris Stoilov – a winner of the National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" in the category "Illustrator" for 2013. A practical guidance "Digitizing the literary heritage of the Bulgarian libraries" by Dr. Rositsa Petrova-Vasileva and Dr. Dimitar Vasilev was written and published on a project funded by Bulgarian Ministry of Culture.
ISBN 978-619-90081 - 7 – 1 Standing in absolute dependence on the specifics of its readers, children's literature today is forced to comply with both the number of age-related characteristics and change processes of reading in a completely different information environment. Everyday life of contemporary child besides books is occupied by electronic media, computers, and access to huge information databases. Therefore, the topic of the round table "Children and reading - between traditional and electronic books", held within 16th National Children's Book Festival in Sliven /7 - 9 May 2014 /, was particularly relevant. The forum aims to answer the question how children's interest in reading changed during the transition between traditional books age and the digital books age. Most of the 16 included in the collection report answers the question why reading is important for children. They show how the electronic format of the book affects the process of children's reading. The e-book is regarded as a new form of communication, a new form of knowledge transfer. The characteristics of e-book are presented, its advantages that make it attractive to contemporary child and its shortcomings and weaknesses. Emphasis is placed on the use of e-books to support training and self-learning. Trends for preserving the book as the preferred media for information, education and entertainment through its adaptation to modern conditions in a new form in children’s literature in different countries are analyzed. The state of the Bulgarian Internet storybook for children is described. Most of the reports are addressing the issue will children still be interested in traditional books and how to find a balance between it and the e-book in order to stimulate children's reading. The development of traditional publishing and e-publishing for children in Bulgaria in the European Union, the United States and Canada, some Balkan countries, Turkey is analyzed and changes in editorial policies. Special attention is paid to the electronic future of libraries. Innovative practices and services, placed at readers; disposal by publishers, bookstores and libraries aimed at supporting children's reading are described. The main conclusion to be made is that traditional and electronic books are equally needed for children. Obviously conventionality and attractiveness of printed books will continue to coexist in a kind of creative and intellectual symbiosis with the production, distribution and reading of more quality children's electronic publications. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture.
ISBN 978 - 619 - 90081 -5 - 7 For the eleventh consecutive year the organizers of the National Children's Book Festival - Sliven published a compendium of winning works of the participants in the annual national literature competition, which is traditionally held on the eve of the festival. The theme of the competition "The story of a magic seeker" successfully combines three children's passions: the first is the passion for the quest, curiosity, attraction to unusual events, people, experiences; secondly, but not least, a passion for old and always new magic, which recognizes neither age nor race nor gender nor ethnicity. And thirdly - the sweet spell of stories in which everyone of us becomes participant or an author, and sometimes both. Contestants very skillfully and professionally developed different versions of the topic. Boundless children's imagination carries us in the past and in the future, in different corners of the world in unexplored spaces. We are witnessing funny, mysterious and romantic adventures. Children become brave explorers, heroes in space travels, guardians of the greatest achievements of mankind ... They show courage and nobility, take risks, perform feats. The book "The story of a magic seeker" includes the best works /poems, tales and short stories/ submitted for the contest, works, written by young authors, describing their inspirations, fervor, eloquence and candor. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture.
ISBN 978 - 619 - 90081 - 6 - 4 The illustrations are not only visualization of text or individual artistic works that are based on a literary text. They are a special type of graphic critical reading of the author's text. They are used to construct a new form of communication, which interprets the existing text and creates new quality, affecting readers’ interests. The exhibition of illustrations by the artist Boris Stoilov – a winner of the National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" in the category "Illustrator" for 2013 is presented in the catalog. The exhibition was exposed within the 16 edition of the National Children's Book Festival /Sliven, 7 - 9 May 2014/. It includes 88 illustrations of books published in Bulgaria and abroad. The illustrations by Boris Stoilov feature a different style, with a specific creative imagery with unusual visual solutions and present trends, innovations and new aesthetic standards in modern illustration applied in today's books for children.
ISBN 978 - 619 - 90081 - 8 - 8 In accordance with the Law on Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Commission documents for preservation and access to cultural heritage a top priority in the activity of Bulgarian libraries in the next few years will be digitization and providing online access to their valuable literary collections. The practical guide "Digitizing the literary heritage in Bulgarian libraries" aims to support the successful implementation of this priority by improving awareness and improvement of practical skills of library specialists dealing with digitization of literary heritage. In Chapter I of the guide, written by Dr. Rositsa Petrova-Vasileva, the term "digitization" is define, the objects of literary heritage object of digitization are presented; the state of the process of digitization in order to protect literary heritage in Bulgarian libraries is analyzed; the main problems facing libraries associated with the digitization of literary heritage in Bulgaria and providing access to it are presented; the main priorities of the Bulgarian libraries associated with the digitization of literary heritage are formulated. In Chapter II, written by Dr. eng. Dimitar Vasilev, the main stages in the process of digital conversion /transformation of the printed book into an editable digital format/ - scanning, recognition, proofreading, formatting and archiving are presented. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
Four editions were published during the Fifteenth National Children's Book Festival, Sliven, May 7-9, 2013: Collection of reports of the round table with international participation "The Festival – children, books, reading. 15 years National Children's Book Festival”; Collection of award-winning works of the National literature competition "An incredible journey in time"; A Catalogue of the Exhibition of illustrations by Ralitsa Manuilova, Spas Spasov, Oleg Topalov, Yasen Gyuzelev, Petar Stanimirov – winners of the National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" in category "Illustrator"; Collection of stories of writers-winners of the National award "Konstantin Konstantinov" in category "Outstanding contribution" and "Author" for the period 2004 to 2012 - "I wa-a-a-ant! Stories of grown-up children";
ISBN 978-619-90081 - 3 – 3 The collection of reports of the round table discussion on topic "The festival – children, books, reading" is dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the National Children's Book Festival. Significant anniversary of a unique forum dedicated to children's books – to the problems associated with their publication, distribution, reading. Today the festival has its own distinct goals –promotes the works of contemporary Bulgarian writers for children who are working in the country and abroad, actively contributes to improving the interaction between authors, publishers and distributors of children's books, causes debate and influences the editorial policies, sets new models for creating interest in books and reading, inspires children to deal with arts. It is a cultural event with national and international prestige, with a clear vision for development. One of the greatest achievements of the National Children's Book Festival over the years is filling "the white" fields in studies about the contemporary children's literature. Scientific conferences with the participation of famous authors, literary critics, scholars, teachers, library specialists from home and abroad, on the problems of contemporary literature for children and its future development are held yearly during the Festival. The goal of this year's roundtable is to identify the positive trends in the last 15 years in publishing, book distribution and children's reading and how the festival has stimulated to a certain extent these changes. The reports, included in this collection, give a sort of assessment of the phenomenon of National Children's Book Festival. They analyze the need and importance of the festival for all people involved in the creation and dissemination of children's books, their vision and mission. The National Children's Book Festival is defined as a place to exchange experiences, ideas, opinions, a place to create lasting contacts and area of cross-border cooperation, as well as a meeting of the mediators of reading and children. According to the writers - the importance of this festival is to orient them in the newly published literature, in the interest in new forms of genre, giving them incentive to work, to enrich their personal acquaintances, and as a result, to create new books, and through meetings with children to orient themselves in their rapidly changing readers’ tastes. For publishers the festival is a forum in which to discuss and identify new trends in publishing policies and a meeting place for the best Bulgarian children's authors and illustrators. The National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov", presented during the festival, is defined as one of the most prestigious literary awards and incentives for the development of writing and publishing for children. Some of the reports pay particular attention to the application of the new modern forms and means to present children's literature during the festival events. Many authors stress on that with its variety and richness of ideas and initiatives the festival promotes and develops the creativity of children, helps identifying talented young people. The international importance of the festival tangible results and cooperation achieved are taken into account. There are new ideas and perspectives for it s development offered too. Positive assessments of the National Children's Book Festival in all its manifestations, the results achieved, give confidence to its organizers from "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library to continue to carry it out with the same energy and enthusiasm in the coming years. The publication is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture.
ISBN 978 - 619 - 90081 -1 - 9 For the tenth consecutive year, the organizers of the National Children's Book Festival - Sliven issued a compendium of winning works of the participants in the annual National Literary Competition, which is traditionally held on the eve of the festival. This year, many great poems, short stories and tales of over 1000 young artists from across the country and Bulgarian communities abroad arrived to the address of "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library in Sliven too. We are sure that many of them again and again would write about a new fabulous trip – in their dreams or in real, because what else CHILDHOOD is, but many dreams, longings, and discoveries. What else besides conquering new territories of spirit, knowledge and joy. Boundless childhood imagination carries us in the past and the future, in different corners of the world in unexplored space. We are seeing funny, mysterious and romantic adventures. Children become brave explorers, heroes in space travel, guardians of the greatest achievements of mankind ... Show courage and nobility, take risks, commit feats. The theme of the contest has provoked a strong interest in the past of Bulgaria and its world-renowned spiritual leaders over the centuries. Many participants showed interest and knowledge about world history too, whether it comes to Ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece, the age of dinosaurs or characters such as Cleopatra, Alexander of Macedonia or Elizabeth I Tudor, which is also commendable. It is nice to know that the children of Bulgaria care about its future, worry for the forests cut, polluted air and water, for deserted villages. Some authors make it clear that they do not like a future in which technology, but not humanity, kindness, goodness prevails. And it is also very impressive fact. The collection of works "An incredible journey in time" includes the best works / poems, tales, stories / submitted for the contest, works written by young authors with their inspiration, zeal, eloquence and candor. The publication is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture.
ISBN 978 - 619 - 90081 - 2 - 6 The illustrations are not only visualization of words, nor individual works of art that are based on a literary text. They are a special type of graphic critical reading of the author's text. They are used to construct a new form of communication, which interprets the existing text and creates a new quality, affecting the reader's interest. Seventy illustrations of the artists Spas Spasov (2006), Ralitza Manuilova (2008), Oleg Topalov (2010), Yasen Gyuzelev (2011) and Petar Stanimirov (2012) are presented in the catalogue of the exhibition of illustrations of the winners of the National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" in category "Illustrator", for the period 2004 to 2012. The illustrations feature a different style, with a specific creative imagery, with custom visual solutions and present trends, innovations and new aesthetic standards of modern illustration applied in today's editions for children. Artists represented in the catalog come from the generation contemporary Bulgarian illustrators who are constantly looking for new ways and techniques, new compositional solutions and expressiveness, and using their illustrations to keep children's interest in books alive, because in the new, information age it is important to have more children who love to read.
ISBN 978 - 619 - 90081 - 4 - 0 The collection of stories "I wa-a-a-a-ant" gathers 12 a kind of cheerful, a kind of tragicomic stories of childhood, told by the writers Georgi Konstantinov, Katya Vodenicharova, Leda Mileva, Marko Ganchev, Kina Kadreva, Lilyana Stefanova, Victor Samuilov, Pancho Panchev, Petya Aleksandrova, Julia Spiridonova, Vesela Flamburari and Angelina Zhekova - writers honored in the period 2004 - 2012 year the National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" held during the National Children's Book Festival. "People are used to ask us, the adults, whether we miss childhood. People who have lost it somewhere along the way feel sorry for it. Mine is always with me - a big mountain of light."- That is what in her "story" set out in this wonderful collection Julia Spiridonova-Julka wrote. And her findings could serve as a motto for the stories of all the other authors. They confirmed what Antoine de Saint-Exupery said in the middle of the last century: "I come from my childhood". Happy childhood does not necessarily mean easy life where all your whims are met. Neither little Leda, who remained five years old without her father or the first grader Marco, rapt in wonder called violin, nor Petya from Sliven 50 years old with her dream of a starched petticoat, nor even the boy from Sofia Victor with his "pumpkin happiness" (his favorite pumpkin seeds in a paper pouch) had a childhood filled with material prosperity. But they had dreams, in their little hearts a thirst for adventure burned, a yearning for magical worlds, curiosity about the natural world, even to the smallest blade of grass, unconscious desire for creativity. And in their fascinating, funny, unfeigned stories, probably written especially for the collection "I wa-a-a-ant", released for the 15ht anniversary of the National Children's Book Festival in Sliven, they, with their today's wisdom, made precisely this message. Unobtrusively, not in a didactic way. And with a smile and hope that the children are always children, so they will get on together well, even today’s little computer experts, whom it is hard to explain what a miracle rag soccer ball, scored in the "door" of four street pavers is, will feel the excitement of the story. And they will want to peek into this magical world, neighbor to their own world. The contribution of the Director of "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library Rosica Petrova-Vasileva, author of the original idea and compiler of the book, for the success of the book is irrefutable. Especially important here is the idea of the compiler for such a collection of short stories /such book is not published in Bulgaria so far/, and the serious organizational activity too, including dialogue with authors, editing, formation of a team to achieve the final product - a unique as an idea and great, in its content and layout edition. We have to mention definitely the "visual" side of the collection. Three prominent artists contributed to it: Ralitsa Manuilova, Petar Stanimirov and Radostina Neykova - eminent artists - illustrators of children's literature. They have offered talented interpretation of literary texts – each one of them in his distinctive, recognizable artistic style. They made illustrations literally, but figuratively too, cheerfully writing in them their sense of beautiful world of childhood. The contribution of Petar Stanimirov for the overall layout of the publication is undoubted too. The publication is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture. |
PETROVA – VASILEVA, Rositsa. Taboos in children’s literature: Collection of reports of the round table, 9-10 May 2012, Sliven / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, transl. by Petya Kaneva. - Sliven: Zhazhda, 2012. – 224p. ISBN 978-954-795-357-4 Standing in absolute dependence on the specifics of its readers, children's literature is forced to comply with both the number of age-related restrictions as well as certain regulations imposed in the public mind in order to protect the fragile child’s psyche from painful issues. Meanwhile, children's literature organically contains the need of overcoming the age distance and elucidating of taboos, because one of its objectives is to prepare children for what may possibly happen to them in real life. The collection of reports „Taboos in children’s literature” contains 14 reports in Bulgarian and English by eminent literary critics, academics, library specialists, publishers, writers and artists from Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia. The process of imposing taboos in children's literature and their destruction and demystification is traced in historical aspect in the reports. In some of the reports the evolution in public acceptance of a number of taboo subjects in various national literatures is presented. Some special forms of censorship in literature for children and adolescents are discussed. Examples for breaking taboo topics as the secret birth of a child, love, kiss, the first physical contact, early pregnancy, and emotional and mental problems associated with it, abandonment and orphanhood, child abuse, pedophilia, the acceptance of different people, xenophobia and etc., are given. Special attention is paid to the theme of death in children's literature and in various media, and the reasons for its tabooing. The most appropriate, in terms of communication, language for sharing the problems of child’s death with children’s audience and the most appropriate for building its euphemistical image are analyzed. The theme of cannibalism as one of the oldest and the most deeply rooted taboos in human culture and its presentation in the literature for children is examined. The topic of sex and its part in children's literature, particularly in poetry for children is discussed in many of the reports. Rarely interpreted topics in children's literature related to traditional and modern forms of exclusion of children from real life are discussed too. A new feminist writing style, focused on fun and instructive sex education of girls is presented. Works of famous authors - destroyers of taboos, their specific styles and creative imagery are analyzed. An interesting psychoanalytic interpretation of Bulgarian literature for children is presented and some myths associated with child’s mental life are debunked. The trends and the main publishing policies in the presentation of "taboo" topics in modern books for children are outlined. By "an unbiased interpretation" of books that pupils study in their classes in Bulgarian language and literature in schools in the initial stage of primary education, participants in the round table discuss the scant presence of literary and folk works, in which taboo topics are interpreted, which contradicts to the process of successful socialization of students. The main conclusion, that is derived, is that modern children's literature successfully overcomes didactics, gets rid of stereotypes and traditional understanding of norms and rules. Today, authors write more boldly on "forbidden" topics, and the publishers experiment by issuing their works, because the goal of children's books is not to dim by false expectations the notion of children about the world that surrounds them, but to prepare them for life's realities. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
PETROVA – VASILEVA, Rositsa. In a Magical Starry Night: Collection of works-winners in a National literary competition / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva. – Sliven: Zhazhda, 2012. – 79p., сol. ill. ISBN 978 - 954 -795 -356 - 7 For the eighth year in a row the organizers of the National Children's Book Festival publish in a collection the awarded works of the participants in the annual National Literary Competition, which is traditionally held on the eve of the festival. There are 25 works /poems, tales, stories/ included in the medley „In a Magical Starry Night”. The works take us into the enigmatic territory of desires and imagination of their authors. It is amazing how all-encompassing child's idea of magic can be! In the magical starry night funny, mysterious and romantic adventures happen. Children become princes and princesses, heroes in space travels, guardians of the greatest achievements of mankind ... They show courage and nobility, take risks, commit feats ... fall in love. In the night of magic children cope with problems that are interesting and worry all people: they fight for clean air and nature, green cities, tolerant attitude towards other ethnic groups and disadvantaged, poor and sick people, for good relations and love in family, for support for the different from us people. The works included in the book, impress us with their poetic language, originality, with sensitivity, with the love that is all-conquering. In each of them we find an interesting idea, a thin sense of human values and a different message. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
Petar Stanimirov: A catalog of Exhibition of illustrations and comics – Sliven, 9-14 May 2012 / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva. – Sliven: Zhazhda, 2012.- 24p., сol. ill. The catalog includes 85 illustrations from the exhibition of one of the most famous Bulgarian contemporary illustrators - Peter Stanimirov, which was organized in Sliven, during the days of the Fourteenth National Children's Book Festival. The catalog presents just a small part of the illustrations of children's books by Petar Stanimirov that reveal his specific style and creative imagery and explain the interest of children to books illustrated by him. Also illustrations from his original journals in which he is the author of the text too are included. Petar Stanimirov is defined as the father of the modern Bulgarian comics and that is why several illustrations of some of his most famous comics are presented too. Petar Stanimirov accepts illustrating children's books as a special cause and he continues to surprise young readers with expressive illustrations, with imaginative ornamentation and exciting compositions. |
PETROVA – VASILEVA, Rositsa. Development of Children's illustration and its impact on children's reading: Collection of reports of the round table , 9-10 May 2011, Sliven / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, transl. by Petya Kaneva. - Sliven: Zhazhda,2011. – 224p. ISBN 978-954-795-322-2 The illustrations are not only visualization of the text or individual artworks, which are based on certain literary text. They are a special type of a critically graphic reading of the author's text. They are used to construct a new form of communication that interprets the existing text and creates a new quality, affecting the reader's interest. The collection of reports "Development of children's illustration and its impact on children's reading" contains 14 reports in Bulgarian and English by eminent literary critics, academics, library specialists, publishers, writers and artists from Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. They follow the development of children's illustration in several countries in historical perspective, to formulate the basic stages and changes, to examine the influence of illustrations on children's reading trends and major publishing policies in the future. In a large part of the reports the development of a classic illustration from graphics to custom visual solutions is traced. The most famous illustrators and their specific styles and creative imagery are presented. A special attention is paid to trends, innovations and new aesthetic standards in contemporary illustration applied in today's editions for children. Examples of very good and interesting illustrated books are shown. Some of the reports are dedicated to the creative collaboration between author and illustrator. The variety of visualization of classic children's fairy tales /illustrations, cartoons, movies/ is presented. Special attention is paid to the author’s issues for children as a separate type of paper publications. Examples of specific relationships between text and illustration in them are presented too. The publishers’ notion about illustration and introduction of new design approaches in modern editions of children is very interesting. A new kind of pedagogical and methodological mediation for perception and understanding of literary texts by children through the use of illustration in teaching Bulgarian language and literature at the initial stage of the basic educational level of Bulgarian school is presented. The main conclusion that is imposed by reports is that the need for quality children's books with a good text, expressive illustrations, ingenious ornaments and exciting layout solutions has a leading part in the children's book publishing. Illustrators nowadays are seeking for new ways and techniques, and publishers more boldly experiment with the issuing of them because it is important in this millennium to have more children who love to read books. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
PETROVA – VASILEVA, Rositsa. My tale about good: Collection of works-winners in a National literary competition / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva. – Sliven: Zhazhda,2011. – 88p., сum ill. ISBN 978 - 954 -795 -323 – 9 For the seventh year in a row the organizers of the National Children's Book Festival publish in a collection the awarded works of the participants in the annual National Literary Competition, which is traditionally held on the eve of the festival. There are 28 works /poems, tales, stories/ included in the medley “My tale about good”. It is hard to find another, more successful theme for children to write about. It's amazing how pervasive children’s idea about good can be! Nothing in children's works is forgotten, nothing is overlooked or underestimated. Orphans acquire loving parents; the sick get healthy, the homeless get home, sad people become happy, lonely ones – make friends. It is touching sensible little writers are, making animals happy along with other people. In their childish purity and innocence they give food, shelter and caress each distressed puppy, kitten, little bird and frog, for every creature, and again they show us adults, that they were born and grow up with the idea that in nature there is no superior and inferior beings, that all we need kindness. We must confess, however, that we were pleasantly surprised especially by some new topics which are traditionally considered not suitable for kids. The theme of rejected by the environment child, who has a disability, different skin color or other ethnicity. Which is poor, poorly dressed, different. "The green" /ecological/ theme. The theme about orphans or children without parents, and that for the flattered by a stepfather or stepmother child. The sad theme about material things in life that sometimes make people indifferent and self-interested, envious and cruel. The works included in the collection are wonderful because of the good that shines, transfer, rings and sings in each row. They impress with their poetic language, originality, with sensitivity, trust in us, adults, with love that is all-conquering ... And the reload us with optimism and faith. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
55 YEARS “SAVA DOBROPLODNI” REGIONAL LIBRARY: a jubilee newspaper: Single ed. / Published by “Sava Dobroplodni” regional library. – Sliven: Zhazhda, May 9, 2011 - 4 p.; 46 сm In honor of the anniversary of “Sava Dobroplodni” regional library a jubilee newspaper which chronologically presents interesting moments in its history and the basic parameters in its activities was published. Emphasis was placed on the activities that make it unique and different, a prosperous cultural institution with a modern European outlook. A full list of all directors, librarians and library staff who have worked or still work for its valuable presence in the lives of the citizens of Sliven region of all those who made the library a temple of literature, knowledge and modernity is published on the last page of the newspaper. The newspaper also includes a greeting from Rosica Petrova-Vasileva – a directress of “Sava Dobroplodni” regional library. |
PETROVA – VASILEVA, Rositsa. Comics for children: Collection of reports of the round table, 10-11 May 2010, Sliven / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, transl. Petya Kaneva. - Sliven: Jajda, 2010. – 166p.
The collection of reports "Comics for children” contains 9 reports in Bulgarian and English, written by eminent literary critics, publishers and lecturers from Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. They follow the origin and development of comics in those countries in historical perspective, formulate the main stages and changes, examine the impact of comics on thinking of the children readers, set out the basic editorial policies in the future. Some reports show the genre diversity and thematic lines of comics from classical graphics to the non-standard virtual solutions. An analysis of literary and artistic level of comics, globalization of comics’ characters was carried out. Famous comic artists, different techniques and skills of painting are presented. Special attention is paid to the dissemination of comics and of the change of readership interest. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture . |
PETROVA – VASILEVA, Rositsa. One day in Wonderland: Collection of works-winners in a National literary competition / Compiler and introd. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva. – Sliven: Jajda, 2010. – 87p., cum ill.
In the medley "One Day in Wonderland" are included 23 works / poems, stories, tales/. Whether Wonderland can only be visited in our dreams or under the influence of a magic sentence, a magic drink or a magic rod? Is it possible in this enigmatic territory of the imagination and desires meet and befriend their favorite characters from fairy tales? Or to become one of them? To take a talisman from there or keep hidden in a pocket of your soul a life ticket for this kingdom? Is it necessary in such a journey to take a risk, to gleam with courage, to show generosity, to accomplish a feat? Each contestant gave his genuine answer to these questions. The works included in the medley show that imagination of the Bulgarian children is strong, fresh and inspired. They impress with their poetic language, a delicate sense of humor, with sensitivity, trust in us-adults, with love that is all-conquering ... And they load us with optimism and faith. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
PETROVA – VASILEVA, Rositsa. Thematic and genre changes in children’s literature in the beginning of XXI century – a view in the Balkan literatures: Collection of reports from a round table, Sliven – May 8-9, 2009/ Compiler Rositsa Petrova - Vasileva. - Sliven: Jajda, 2009. – 160p.
The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture . |
PETROVA – VASILEVA, Rositsa. If I Had a Magic Rod I Would...: Collection of works-winners in a National literary competition / Compiler Rositsa Petrova - Vasileva. - Sliven: Jajda, 2009. – 104p.; cum ill.
In the collection "The story of an enchanted book” includes 29 magnificent works / poems, stories, tales /. Charity, generosity, a broad overview of the problems of humanity, a strong connection with folklore, responsive memory for characters and situations of modern children's literature, sense of responsibility, sense of humor ... These are the most prominent features of the works included in the collection. It is amazing how encompassing children’s idea of harmony, power and magic may be! Nothing is forgotten, nothing is overlooked or undervalued. Orphans acquire loving parents, sick people become healthy, homeless get home, unemployed - job, sad people – got happiness, lonely people – make friends. It is touching how emotional responsive are young writers, making animals happy alongside with humans. Many children also dream of becoming princesses, princes or heroes in space adventures, which frankly admit that school habits and dogmas they are boring and unpleasant. They would like to have a different training and a different school – where they can find fantasy and more fun, free from coercion and duties. They want not only swimming pools, playgrounds and computer labs in every school, but a new model of relations conforming more closely to the changed spiritual exchange between the generations at the beginning of the XXI century. What more can be said about this year's competition? Works of the participants impress with their poetic language, with sensitivity, trust to us – adults, with the love that is always winning ... and are worthy to be read. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture .
In the realm of Pippi Longstocking: Catalogue of International exhibition of posters /Compiler Rositsa Petrova - Vasileva. - Sliven: Jajda, - 25p.; cum ill.
The catalogue “In the realm of Pippi Longstocking" presents works from the exhibition of posters, implemented as a project of the Festival "Vezaniy most” (Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina) dedicated to Astrid Lindgren, the writer who became known worldwide thanks to the little naughty, nice and unpredictable girl Pippi. The catalogue includes the best works of students from the Academy of Fine Arts in Saraevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), the Faculty of Fine Arts in Tsetine (Montenegro) and the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade (Serbia ). The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
BASSOTTO, Lorenzo. How to provoke interest in reading in children : A Workshop of reading : A Guide /Lorenzo Bassotto, Editor Rositsa Petrova - Vasileva. - Sliven: Jajda, 2009. – 28p., photos.
The experience of the actors Sabrina Carletti and Lorenzo Bassotto from the Theater Foundation "Aida" / Verona, Italy / for training of actors, librarians, parents of children in provoking interest in reading through theater forms and techniques was described in the guide. As a basis for training were used texts from the book of Astrid Lindgren “Pippi Longstocking”. The modules of training: required hazard, voice and his conscious use, narration, bearing rhythm, improvisation, expressiveness and a mask, a magic object were presented in detail in the guide. The modules took into account all the elements widening the impact of the story read, and help students to reveal their narrative and improvisational abilities. The issue was published with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture. |
PETROVA – VASILEVA, Rositsa. Book for children of XXI century and its readers: A symposium of reports of a round table, Sliven - May 8, 2008 /Compiler Rositsa Petrova - Vasileva. - Sliven: Jajda, 2008. - 136 p.
The edition has been published by the financial support of the Bulgarian Ministry of culture. |
PETROVA - VASILEVA, Rositsa. National literary competition “The Story of an Enchanted Book”: A medley of works - winners / Compiler Rositsa Petrova - Vasileva. Sliven, Jajda, 2008. - 86 p.; with col. ill.
For fourth year in a row the organizers of the National Children’s Book Festival /Sliven/ publish a medley of the works-winners which compete in the yearly literary competition, which is traditionally held in the Festival’s eve. The medley “The Book is my friend – a road-map for a dreamer” consists of 18 splendid works /poems, stories, tales, essays/. Works of participants indicate that the fantasy of a Bulgarian child is strong, clear and inspired. In each of them find interesting quirk, thin to the universal sense values to which the book is medium, different message. The presence of so many and so successful texts shows that the book continues to be a spiritual need for the Bulgarian children and they really need more now - in today's global, modern, dynamic and pragmatic world. The edition has been published by the financial support of the Bulgarian Ministry of culture. |
![]() PETROVA - VASILEVA, Rositsa. “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library – Sliven. /Compiler Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, transl. by Petya Kaneva. Sliven. - BIS Ltd. 2008. - 18 p.; with col. ill. In the synthesis of information is presented to the priorities and parameters of activity of the library. Given place of projects, defining a European vision of the institution. Focuses on the activities of the library, who converted it into a leading cultural institution not only in the territory of Sliven region and country. Special place is given to the unique for Bulgaria National Children's Book Festival, whose promoter is already 10 years Bulgaria Sava Dobroplodni. At the end of the issue are presented and the most important prizes and distinctions of the library. |
![]() TEN years of National Children's Book Festival: Jubilee Journal: number one / Edition of the Regional Library Sava Dobroplodni-Sliven; editor Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva. Sliven - Jajda, may 2008, - 5 p. Presented information about the festival, on the main show in its program over the years - meetings with children's authors from Bulgaria and the Bulgarian communities abroad, competitions, round tables and discussions, concerts, presented duel and literary competitions, exhibitions, marathons of reading and others. Special place is given to winners of National Award Konstantin Konstantinov - for contribution to children's book publishing, which is served at the Festival every year since 2004. into four categories. Has published the text of the anthem of the festival and the program of his tenth birthday edition. Are included and welcomed Ms. Zorka Parvanova - patron of the festival and Rositsa Petova - Vassileva - Director of Sava Dobroplodni regional library and the festival. |
PETROVA – VASILEVA, Rositsa. European dimensions of Bulgarian children’s literature: A symposium of reports of a round table, Sliven - May 10, 2007 /Compiler Rositsa Petrova - Vasileva. - Sliven: Jajda, 2007. - 119 p.
The symposium “European dimensions of Bulgarian children’s literature” consists of 12 reports of eminent authors, literary critics, university lecturers and library specialists from Bulgaria and abroad. In their reports the authors try to outline the peaks of Bulgarian children’s literature, to make a study of its dissemination through Europe and its commensurability with European and world literatures. Folklore has a special place in the symposium as it expresses the self understanding and knowledge about world and its relation with folklores of other European countries is shown. The reports of foreign participants trace the processes of dissemination and popularization of Bulgarian children’s literature abroad and the attitude of literary critics and ordinary readers towards it. The edition has been published by the financial support of the Bulgarian Ministry of culture. |
PETROVA - VASILEVA, Rositsa. National literary competition “The Book is my friend – a road-map for a dreamer”: A medley of works - winners / Compiler Rositsa Petrova - Vasileva. Sliven, Jajda, 2007. - 67 p.; with col. ill.
The medley “The Book is my friend – a road-map for a dreamer” consists of 18 splendid works /poems, stories, tales, essays/. In each of them we find an interesting idea, a great sense of common to all mankind values, which books bear, various messages. The presence of so many and so successful texts shows that love for books is alive and they still are spiritual necessity for Bulgarian children and in fact they need this now more than ever – in our global and fast changing world. The edition has been published by the financial support of the Bulgarian Ministry of culture. |
PETROVA – VASILEVA, Rositsa. Fallen pearls: Favourite poems for children from favourite Bulgarian poetesses: Anthology = Бисери расути: Наjдражи стихови за децу омильених бугарских песникиньа /Compiler. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva, transl. by Mila Vasov. – Sliven: Jajda, 2007. – 119 p.; with ill.
There are biographical notes about the writers included in the end of the anthology enclosed. The anthology “Fallen pearls” has been realized by idea of the organizers of the National Children’s Book Festival – Sliven by financial support of the Bulgarian Ministry of culture. It was dedicated to the 50 edition of the festival “Zмеjеvе dеchjе igre”- Novi Sad, Serbia. |
YORDAN RADICHKOV – the wise man from another planet /Compiler Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva. – Sliven: BIS, 2007. – 6 p. The edition is a part of the international project “European literary marathon -2007”, in which a partner from Bulgaria is “Sava Dobroplodni” regional library - Sliven. It is dedicated to Yordan Radichkov – one of the most brilliant Bulgarian writers of XX century and to his work, as he was chosen to present Bulgaria in this unique and innovative European event. The edition is illustrated by Radichkov’s pictures and illustrations of the painters Svetlin Rusev and Kalin Nikolov. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. The modern novel for children - models, trends, challnges: A symposium of report a round table, Sliven - 8 May 2006 /Compiler Rositsa Petrova - Vasileva. - Sliven: Jajda, 2006. - 127 p.
The reports presented the contemporary trends in the development of the Bulgarian and translated children’s novel, the new requirements of the novel concerning its content and aspect, so it to be attractive for the contemporary child. Data from sociological studying are analyzed in the reports. One part of the reports outlines particular measures for improving interaction between the authors and readers of children’s books, presents the good practice of popularizing of contemporary authors writing for children, prefers new forms of creating of interest to books and reading, in competition with the new media, for supporting of educational process in schools by specific ideas for changes of educational content in literature. The issue is realized by supported project at The National Book Centre to Ministry of Culture and in harmony with the good European practices it was printed in the eve of the forum, what permitted realization of interesting discussions. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. Petar Dimitrov - Rudar: Bibliography /Compiler Rositsa Petrova-Vasileva, Galia Cholakova. - Sliven: Jajda, 2006. - 101 p.
The reference guide is published in occasion of 100 years from the P. Dimitrov - Rudar’s birth – an еminent writer, a publicist and a socially active person, born in Sliven. The Round table carried out in the frames of the Festival was dedicated to his anniversary.
The bibliographical reference guide includes the period from 1925 to 2001 years and presents 311 publications classified in four main parts: Petar Dimitrov - Rudar’s works in Bulgarian language; Petar Dimitrov – Rudar’s works in foreign languages; Petar Dimitrov – Rudar – a compiler and an editor; Literature for Petar Dimitrov - Rudar In the end of the reference guide is enclosed a system from indicators, which make easier the searching of literature. The bibliographical reference guide dedicated to Petar Dimitrov – Rudar will be a valuable handbook for the research-workers /experts in literature, pedagogues, specialists of the literature of the native place, culture people and etc. /, as well as of his life and creation as and of the literary processes and development of the literary criticism in Bulgaria in the past century. In the reference book are included and the articles “Petar Dimitrov – Rudar – a partisan of children’s literature” of Blagovesta Kasabova – a literary critic and “My father in my memories” of professor Stefana Dimitrova, which supplemented the issue and make it more meaty. The “Petar Dimitrov - Rudar” - bio-bibliographical reference book is printed with resources by supported project to the National Book Centre at Ministry of Culture. The compiler of the issue is Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva.
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. National competition "An adventure in the world of fairy secrets and magic": A medey of works - winners / Compiler Rositsa Petrova - Vasileva. Siiven, Jajda, 2006. - 63 p.
In the collection “Journey in the world of the fairy tales” is included one little part of the numerous successful poetries, stories, essays and drawings for the competition. But and a little works included in this collection show, that in Bulgaria grows really talented generations, which know well the models of the world and Bulgarian children’s literature and rethink them constructive, they are interested in them and teach from them. In every one of the works we discover an interesting meaning and a latently and unusual recreation. The wonderful collection is one of the many evidences, that the inmost fairy sacraments and magics are parts from our children’s life and they are more necessity now in the current dynamical and pragmatically world. The issue is realized with resources by supported project at the National Book Centre to Ministry of Culture. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. Competition "Europe in tale": A medey of works - winners / Compiler Rositsa Petrova - Vasileva . - Sliven: Jajda, 2006. - 63 p.
In the issue are presented the classified from the national jury tales on the first place of each age group. Every one of the works classified on first place is translated in English. Every one of the literary works contains massages, emotions and educates and changes the world around us by the values which contains. The tales involved in this collection presents with dignity the aspect of several generations of Bulgarian authors, who actively will cooperate for united and prosperous Europe. Rositsa Petrova – Vasileva – a head of project LITTLE for Bulgaria is the compiler of the issue. |
PUBLICATION 2005 A few books have been published in honor of 50-year jubilee of “Sava Doproplodni” Regional Library and 185 years since the birth of its patron: a selection of reports of life and activity of Sava Doproplodni reported on a Scientific session, a bio-bibliographic index “Sava Doproplodni”, a bibliographic index “50-year “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library, a chronicle of “Sava Dobroplodny” Regional Library and a jubilee newspaper. |
IFiftyI 50 years “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library: A jubilee newspaper /Editor Rositsa Petrova-Vasileva – Sliven: Jajda, 2005. – 10p.
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa et al. [Fifty] 50 years “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library: Bibliography /Compiler Rositsa Petrova-Vasileva, Galia Cholakova. – Sliven : Jajda, 2005. – 149p.
There is a system of indexes at the end of the bibliography, which help finding easier the necessary literature. The topics index reveals the publications according their content as it helps finding easier the necessary topic. There are included the following parts: History and development of the libraries, National Children’s Book Festival, Projects of the library, Foreign partners of the library, Donations and donors, Material and technical foundation, Celebrations and festivities, Awards and diplomas, Others’ opinions for the library, Visits of ministers and vice-ministers of culture in the library, Visits of ambassadors, cultural attaches and directors of foreign cultural informational centers in the library. In the index of personal names identical names are distinguished and their part in writing certain publication is shown – author, compiler, editor, co-author etc. The bibliographical index „50 years “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library - Sliven” will be a valuable handbook and a source of information for the research workers of the library’s work in the mentioned period of time and of researching culture processes in Sliven and Sliven region, on which it has an influence Compilers of the bibliography are Rositsa Petrova-Vasileva and Galia Cholakova. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa et al. [Fifty] 50 years “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library: A chronicle/Compiler Rositsa Petrova-Vasileva – Sliven: Jajda, 2005. – 91p.
The chronicle is dedicated to all the people, who have worked and still work for the “Sava Dobroplodni” library’s image and cultural activities in the cultural life of Sliven citizens and Sliven region, to all the people, who made the library a temple of literature, a place for a free and easy dialogue, a part of informational society without borders, a cultural centre with an European image. All directors of the library and their achievements for library’s development are presented in short biographical notes at the end of the chronicle. |
Petrova – Vasileva, Rositsa. Sava Dobroplodni: Bibliography /Compiler Rositsas Petrova-Vasileva, Editor professor Vera Boicheva . – 2.add.ed. - Sliven: Jajda, 2005. – 128p.
The bibliographical index covers the period 1848-2004 and presents 422 publications. Titles included are divided into three basic parts: Works of Sava Iliev Dobroplodni; Literature for Sava Iliev Dobroplodni in Bulgaria; Literature for Sava Iliev Dobroplodni in other countries. There is a system of indexes at the end of the bibliography, which help finding easier the necessary literature. The subject index of literature for Sava Dobroplodni, indicates the publications, according to their content as it helps finding easier the topic in need. In the Index of personal names identical names are distinguished and their part in writing certain publication is shown – author, compiler, editor etc. The Index of geographical names includes mentioned in the bibliography countries, towns, villages etc. There is an Index of the analytical worked up books (first and following editions) and periodicals, place and year of publishing as readers are forwarded to the number of the issue in one of the two repertories of Bulgarian periodicals, where full description and changes of the issues can be found. A list of bibliographical sources is enclosed. The bibliographical index for Sava Dobroplodni will be a valuable handbook for the research workers (historians, experts in literature, pedagogues, experts in literature, concerning certain regions, culture studies workers etc.) of his life and work and of researching culture processes in Bulgaria before the Liberation. Professor Dr Vera Boycheva is a scientific editor of the Index. The Index is published by the financial help of the National book center at the Ministry of culture. |
Petrova – Vasileva, Rositsa. [A hundrend and eighty-five] 185-year since the birth of Sava Dobroplodni: Jubilee scientific session, 1st–2nd Dec 2005, in the town of Sliven: Selection of reports/ Compiler Rositza Petrova – Vasileva; Scientific editor Professor Doctor of Laws (LL. D.) Vera Boycheva. – Sliven: Jajda, 2005. – 117 pages
The first bibliographical essay of Dobroplodni was published a year after his death. Since then until nowadays dates the interest of research workers in his life and work. Very interesting are his attempts as a play-writer and a repertory director. Literature historians are also interested in him. His work in different countries, regions and settlements is of a great interest for research workers in the field of history of medicine and public health services. The name of Sava Dobroplodni, in fact, is mentioned in all the surveys, concerning education and literature in the epoch of Bulgarian Renaissance. The symposium of reports from the Jubilee scientific session /Sliven, December 1-2, 2005/ is dedicated to Sava Dobroplodni – a remarkable person – highly educated, intelligent, speaking several European languages, a prominent pedagogue, worker and a reformer in the field of culture, a real European citizen for his spirit. The reports of the following persons are included in the symposium: of Dr Djordje Ignjatovich /Belgrad, Serbia/ - one of the most famous researchers of the Bulgarian-Serbian cultural relations in 19th century, of the senior research worker Dr Rumiana Damianova /Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for literature /, associate professor Dr Mila Krasteva and associate professor Dr Julia Nikolova /Plovdiv University /, professor Dr Stefan Harkov, associate professor Dr Nikolai Dimkov, associate professor Dr Jurii Prodanov /Shumen University /, associate professor Dr Maria Todorova /Thracian University – Stara Zagora /, associate professor Dr Ivan Jelev /Sofia University/, a research worker Ist class Jivka Radeva /Veliko Tarnovo/, Galia Lacheva and Veneta Ganeva from “Ivan Vazov” National Library - Plovdiv, Rositsa Petrova-Vasileva– “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library, Iliana Tamahkiarova-State Archive /Sliven/. The reports, which are included in the symposium, are substantial for revealing important moments of the work and life of Sava Dobroplodni and all these facts add his biography. Professor Vera Boycheva /from Sofia University/ is a scientific editor of the issue. The symposium is published by the financial help of the National book center at the Ministry of culture. |
„Sliven-town of creators” Calendar A unique calendar”, dedicated to the library’s anniversary, with a motto “Sliven-town of creators”, has been printed. It is illustrated with paintings of Sliven of 12 famous Bulgarian painters and texts from Konstantin Konstantinov, Damyan Damyanov, Radoi Ralin, Petya Alexandrova, Atanas Slavov, Dimitar Gundov, Nadya Nedelina, Dobri Nemirov, the historiographer Simeon Tabakov, which complement one another very well. The calendar is a nice „visiting card” of the town and presents it well abroad. It will be an honor for every citizen of Sliven to possess this calendar, although it is almost out of print. The publications, dedicated to the library’s jubilee are various in their type. That is how the direction of “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library shows off its non-standard creative approach to its publishing activity, innate for a library. All these publications support the position of the library as the main culture, scientific and informational centre in the Sliven and Yambol regions. |
The artistic life in Sliven 1905-2005: Bibliography/ Compilers: Svetoslav Milev, Galia Cholakova; Editor Rositsa Petrova -Vasileva. –Sliven, Jajda, 2005.– 146p.: photos
Descriptions in the bibliography are in chronological order, and into each year – in alphabetical order, according to author’s name or title of the article. There is a system of indexes at the end of the bibliography, which helps readers and research workers. Very interesting are the supplements, enclosed to the bibliography: мапе, a list of Jubilee papers published, documentary films, list of “Dimitar Dobrovich” Art Gallery‘s exhibitions for the period 1965- 2005, facsimiles and photos. The aim of the compilers of the bibliography is not only to find, collect and process in systematical order all publications, which show the various artistic life of Sliven, but also to provoke research workers /historians, researchers of the region, arts critics/ to continue working on the topic and as a result of this activity new research works to be written, because Sliven deserves it. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. Modern literature for children and its readers–tendencies, problems, perspectives: A symposium of reports from a round table, Sliven – May 10, 2005 / Compiler Rositsa Petrova -Vasileva. –Sliven, Jajda, 2005. – 84p.
The reports aim to provoke a public debate and legislative initiatives in the field of book publishing for children, outline the problems in the processes of creating and disseminating books for children and discuss solving of that problems, create new ideas about the modern content of books for children, in order to be more attractive for children, help educational process in schools by ideas for changing substance of literature textbooks, presenting good practices in disseminating and popularizing books for children of guest from abroad etc. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. “Europe – our common home”: A handbook / Compiler Rositsa Petrova -Vasileva. –Sliven:Jajda, 2005. – 85p.: col. ill.
The handbook contains information about the growing up of the idea for United Europe, for the beginning of the integration IN Western Europe, for the stages of enlarging, for the institutions of the EU. Special attention is paid to the European citizenship, European constitution, programs, monetary policy, symbols and the anthem of the EU, the relations between Bulgaria and EU are shown in chronological order. There is an index at the end of the handbook, concerning knowledge about the EU, including web-addresses of Internet sites, containing information about the EU. The countries members of the EU are presented in interesting way. There are interesting facts about each country and general short information about them. The handbook has many illustrations and 80 colored photos. It is interesting and readable and this way it provokes children to learn more about United Europe, in which they will live, study and will develop their creativeness. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. Competition “European Union through children’s eyes”: A medley of works-winners / Compiler Rositsa Petrova -Vasileva. –Sliven, Jajda, 2005. – 47p.: col. ill.
The medley was published by “European Union through children’s eyes” project of the Ministry of culture and “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library – Sliven, accomplished by the Communicative strategy of Bulgarian government for Bulgarian joining to the European Union. Bets works-winners in the literature competition and the competition for drawing of the same name were presented in the both groups. In these works children from Sliven, Yambol, Tvarditsa, Nova Zagora and Pomorie described and painted the feelings that excited them in the days of joining of Bulgaria to the EU, they painted the world they want to live in today and tomorrow, when they are going to grow up. The tales, included in the medley show in a good way the image of Bulgarian young generation – skillful young people, who will take part actively in forming a prosperous Europe. |
PETROVA-VASILEVA, Rositsa. National competition “Book, my fairy!”: A medley of works-winners / Compiler Rositsa Petrova -Vasileva. –Sliven, Jajda, 2005. – 84p.: col. ill.
The medley contains 31 literature works /poetry and prose / and 16 drawings, winners in the National competition “Book, my fairy!”. It proves that love to books is still alive. It proves that a talented generation grows up in Bulgaria and Bulgarian children know world and Bulgarian masterpieces of literature for children and they re-examine them and take them as models.