About us
Dobroplodni” Regional Library – Sliven is a modern cultural and
scientific-informative centre,
carrying out its activities in Sliven and Yambol regions. It
is a temple of science and culture,
of the centuries’ experience and spirituality.
It combines in its daily activities the traditional library
the innovative ways for presenting Bulgarian and world-wide
culture and modern management in the beginning of
Its services match the needs of the modern society by the
free Internet access and the new informative technologies and it is a space
for free dialogues and a part of the informative society without borders. It
works actively for reaching European standards, for contacting good partners
in Bulgaria and abroad, for creating new initiatives.
work of
Regional Library with children differentiates it from the
other libraries in the country.
An example of this work is the National Children’s Book Festival which has
taken place yearly since
The festival became the only one Bulgarian
forum on which the problems of publishing, disseminating and reading of
children’s books are discussed. It gives a chance to young writes and
painters to express themselves and by the means of words, the magic of songs
and of the beauty of dance they send their messages as talented workers.
Regional Library is an institution with a necessary and an
effective presence in public and cultural life not only in Sliven and the
region, but also in Bulgaria.