XII National Children's Book Festival For the twelfth time in a row from 10th to 12th of May 2010 Sliven hosted the National Children's Book Festival. The festival is organized by “Sava Dobroplodni” regional library - Sliven supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sliven Municipality, Regional Administration - Sliven, Rotary Club - Sliven, the largest children's publishers. Famous children's authors, illustrators, scientists from Bulgaria and Italy, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina working on issues of children's literature and publishing home and abroad, and many children have been guests at the festival. Among the official guests at the opening of the festival on May 10th were Ms Desislava Taneva - MP of the parliamentary group of GERB party, Ms Maria Grigorova – a Chairwoman of the City Council – Sliven and a Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the festival, the governor Mr. Marin Kavrakov, Ms Radost Kostova – a vice-mayor of Sliven Municipality, Petya Rumenova – a Secretary of Sliven Municipality, the head of the Ministry of Regional inspectorate of education at the Ministry of education and science in Sliven Mr. Ivan Slavov, Mr. Igor Chipev - Director of section “Literary heritage” at the Ministry of culture etc. The event was opened with a gala-concert at 10.00 a. m. in the decorated lounge of "Stefan Kirov" drama theatre - Sliven. Children's vocal ensembles "Sea sands" - Bourgas, “Slaveyche” and Ballet “Barbie” entertained the numerous audience. Traditionally the Hymn of the Festival was played / text by Petya Alexandrova and music by Haygashot Agasyan. Official launch of the festival was given by Mr. Igor Chipev - Director of section “Literary heritage” at the Ministry of Culture. From 10.30 pm on the open stage on the Main street, next to the specifically organized for the Festival bazaar of children's books, started a fun contest with prizes "Tell me your favorite poem”. For the good mood of the audience took care an actor-animator and children vocal group “Sea sands”. And as in every game, each participant brought a gift as a souvenir from the festival. From 11.00 to 12.00 a.m. in the chamber hall of "Stefan Kirov" drama theatre in a Trubadour duel under the Blue stones "dueled" with poems the poets Angelina Zhekova and Krassimir Mashev. Entertaining actor of the duel was Zlatko Gulekov. On stage performances and Vocal group from II b class from the "Vasil Levski" elementary school - Sliven sang songs on the stage. In 11.30 a.m. in the House - Museum "Hadji Dimitar" began the concert "Children of Sliven commemorate the feat of the Chieftain Hadji Dimitar" dedicated to 170 anniversary of Hadji Dimitar’s birth, featuring "Bulgarche" dance group at “Hadji Dimitar” community centre and students from the X grade of high school of languages "Zahariy Stoyanov". Roundtable with international participation on the topic: "Comics for children” began on the first day of the festival. It was held in the hall for events in the library in 1.00 p.m. and continued on the next day. Their reports and presentations at the forum presented: Dr. Vihren Chernokojev / Institute of Literature at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences/, associated prof. Dr. Petar Stefanov / VTU /, associated prof. Neli Ivanova /Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski"/, Ms Victoria Ivancheva /Editor-in-chief in “Egmont Bulgaria” publishing house /, Mr. Dusan Dzhurdzhev /Serbia/, Mr. Mila Vasov / Serbia/, Mr. Shimo Eshich / Bosnia and Herzegovina /, Dr. Jozef Keresturi / Hungary /, prof. Suzana Barsoti / Italy / . In the program of the festival were included premieres of many children's books, meetings with writers. At 1.30 a.m. in the chamber hall of the theater began the premiere of the first book for children of the famous journalist Assen Sirakov "A Tale about the Little Bear or when the Rabbit hibernate”. In the meeting include the publisher Damyan Yakov. From 3.30 p.m., again in the chamber hall of the theatre’s building, another premiere of Pavlina Delcheva’s book "Believe in miracles" took place. In the early afternoon, by a well-established tradition, children from Sliven schools had meetings with famous and beloved children's writers like Krassimir Mashev, Angelina Zhekova, Maya Dalgacheva, Petya Alexandrova, Cveta Brestnichka and Tsanko Lalev. With a focus on teenagers - participants and guests of the festival - the organizers included in the festival’s program a presentation of the journal “T-BOX” of “Pedagogue” publishing house, in the theatre’s chamber hall at 2.30 p.m. Another interesting event joined the efforts of two Bulgarian libraries – the National Library "Ivan Vazov" - Plovdiv and “Sava Dobroplodni" Regional library - Sliven and of Goethe Institute - Sofia in their mutual project for art-documentary exhibitions "Comics for Children in Bulgaria" and "Comics for children in Germany”. The exhibition was a continuation of the Round Table, which discussed the same issues and presented the history of Bulgarian and German comics for children - their origin and development, milestones and changes, a variety of genres and thematic lines, models of modern Bulgarian and German comics. The exhibition was exposed at the Art Gallery “Sirak Skitnik” and was opened in 4.00 p.m. by Rosica Petrova-Vasileva - Directress “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional library - Sliven and Professor Radka Koleva - Directress of the National library "Ivan Vazov" - Plovdiv. So in high spirits the first day of the XII National Children's Book Festival ended. On the open stage in 5.00 p.m. young talents from the club for young pop and rock singers “Rhythm" from the Children's Complex - Sliven greeted the guests and participants of children's celebration with their latest songs. The second day of the XII National Children's Book Festival, May 11th, was also full of interesting events. From 9.30 a.m. in “Sava Dobroplodni” regional library the roundtable with international participation on the topic: "Comics for children” continued. Also at 9.30 pm, but already in the chamber hall of "Stefan Kirov” drama theatre, started the premiere of the book "My dear notepad!Writings of the small mouse Cornflower" by Vesela Flamburari. The author of this book was one of the discoveries of this year's Festival. It offered readers a modern book - a little funny, jolly and written in a brilliant language. From 10.00 a.m., on the open stage of the Main street next to the book bazaar, started a concert and a fun contest with prizes "Tell me your favorite poem!". Best young reader, plucked to embark on stage to perform their favorite poem were given souvenirs from the festival, books and magazines. Next to the book bazaar, authors, guests of the festival gave autographs to their most ardent readers. For the third consecutive year was the National Children's plain air for drawings.This year's theme of the plain air was: "One day in Wonderland". More than 300 talented young artists aged 7 to 14 years from all over the country took part in it. Hosts of the plain air this year were the National Art School "Dimitar Dobrovich", “Sava Dobroplodni” regional library and Children's Complex - Sliven. Children's works were judged by professional jury chaired by the painter Christo Totev. At 11.00 a.m. in the chamber hall of the theater, the writer Tsanko Lalev met with young readers. His book "Bulgarian Mythology" was presented. Great myths of ancient gods and heroes honored in Bulgarian lands – about the greatest poet and musician Orpheus, about antiquity, about the supreme god of the proto-Bulgarians, about the supreme god of the Bulgarian Slavs Peru, about mighty Thracian king Rez, about the greatest hero in Bulgarian epic Krali Marco were presented to children. The premiere of Julia Spiridonova’s book "Tina and a half" was met with a great interest. It was held in the Chamber hall of "Stefan Kirov" drama theatre in 12.00. "Tina and a half” is the first modern novel for teenagers, and its occurrence is an event on the home literary scene. After a long period during which the audience aged between 13 and 18 years seemed to remain ignored by writers and publishers there is already an author who won the hearts of this most difficult group of readers with humor, with authentic youth slang and the fact that offers young readers the events in their own language. From 1:00 p.m., in the chamber hall of "Stefan Kirov” drama theatre was held a literary contest "Every child who loves to read books knows it” with the participation of pupils from the IVth forms of II elementary school "Hristo Botev" and X secondary school “Yordan Yovkov”. Participants answered questions from literature, presented sketches, created poems. There was a game with the audience. Many awards were handed out. The Carnival procession which passed on “Tsar Osvoboditel” street in 4.00 p.m. was full of smiles and festive mood. There met favorite characters from children’s book and movies. Children from school for entertaining arts from the National Palace of children - Sofia with artistic director Boycho Kostadinov, majorettes from the community centre "Dimitar Polyanov” - Karnobat with their manager Stefka Kombakova and small Brass musicians from Krandila Junior Orchestra with leader Angel Tichaliev joined the colorful and jolly parade on the Main street. More than 400 students and teachers from different schools in Sliven and children guests of the festival took part in the procession. At 5.00 p.m. on the big stage of "Stefan Kirov" drama theatre was presented a magnificent spectacle with the special participation of the actors Maria Ignatova and Dimitar Rachkov and children from the vocal theater ensemble "Sparrows" - Sofia. After the show an official ceremony for handling the National Award “Konstantin Konstantinov" for contributions to children's publishing for 2010 was held. Winners of the National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov” for 2010 were: in category "Author" - Julia Spiridonova, in category "Illustrator" - Oleg Topalov, in category "Publishing House” – “Damyan Yakov” publishing house. In the category "Lifetime Achievement" - no prize was awarded. Honorary diploma was bestowed posthumously for outstanding contribution to children's publishing to the poet Atanas Tsankov. The third and final day of the XII National Children's Book Festival began with a press conference of the winners of the National Award “Konstantin Konstantinov” - for contribution to children's publishing in 2010. From 9.30 a.m. at the Festival’s press center in the Drama Theatre representatives of national and regional media were able to ask winners questions – the author Julia Spiridonova, the publisher Damyan Yakov and the illustrator Oleg Topalov. At the end of the conference laureates signed the memorial book of the National Children's Book Festival. From 10.00 a.m. on the festival’s open stage on “Tsar Osvoboditel” street a fun contest with prizes “Tell me your favorite poem!" took place. Many smiles and festive mood provoked by the performances of children’s from kindergarten "Bozhur". In "Stefan Kirov” drama theatre’s Grand Hall was held an official ceremony for handing the awards to the participants in the National Literary Competition and the National Children's plain air for drawings on the theme: "One day in Wonderland". In both the competitions were involved more than 1600 children from all over the country. The names of winners can be found on the Internet site of the festival http://childbookfest.iradeum.com. A collection of the literary works of the children – winners in the competition was issued and the best pictures from the plain air were exposed on exhibition in the lobby of the theater. Many awards were handed out. The ceremony was attended by the Chairwoman of the Municipal Council - Sliven Ms Maria Grigorova, Mr. Ivan Slavov – a Head of the Inspectorate of Education, Mr. Galin Kanchev – a Municipal Councilor, Mr. Ivan Petrov – a Chairman of the Commission of education, culture and religion in the Municipal Council - Sliven, Mr. Yordan Berberov – a Head of the Department of Education - Sliven, a member of the Organizing Committee of the festival, many teachers, parents, children participating in the competitions and guests of the Festival. The final concert of the XII-th edition of the National Children's Book Festival was included performances of the beloved composer and singer Haygashot Agasyan, vocal group "Slaveyche” and children's vocal group "Ritamcheta”. For the first time the festival program was implemented with the participation of volunteers from the high school of languages “Zahariy Stoyanov” and High School of Science & Math “Dobri Chintulov”. Festival organizers highly appreciated their assistance. |