IX National Children’s Book Festival – Sliven, May 8-11, 2007
The IX National Children’s Book Festival took place in Sliven for the ninth year in a row at the beginning of May, initiated by “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library, supported by the Ministry of culture, National book centre at the Ministry of culture, the State agency for Bulgarians abroad, Regional administration - Sliven, Sliven municipality, Rotary club – Sliven, the biggest children’s book publishing houses and other organizations. For the third year in a row the festival was held under the aegis of the first lady of Bulgaria Mrs. Zorka Parvanova and it gathered in our town guests and participants from Bulgaria and abroad: writers, publishers, illustrators, book-distributors, library specialists - people, who assure the natural and live connection with the youngest readers and make the world of book interesting and accessible. The Festival again turned out to be a natural place for presenting the talents of the children, who sent their first messages as artists by the magic of words, songs and the beauty of dances. The National Children’s Book Festival was opened by a concert on May 8, 2007 in 10:00 a.m. in the Dramatic theatre “Stefan Kirov”. There were several accents for the children in the program of the first festival’s day: the awaited and very interesting literary competition „An Adventure in the European literary treasure-house”, in which took part pupils from different schools, a meeting with the writer Dimitar Borimechkov /Moldavia/ and a presentation of “Drugarche” magazine – the only magazine in Bulgarian in our neighbor country Serbia, a concert of a Group for children’s pop songs ”The Blue Bells”, lead by Zhivka Bolyarska. A National plain-air for drawing on topic “A Magician lives in my town” was organized for the first time. More than 130 children aged from 7 to 14 from all over the country took part in it. In the course of 4 hours children drew their fairy fantasies. It was hard for the jury, presided by the famous Bulgarian illustrator Spas Spasov, the winner of the national prize „Konstantin Konstantinov” for the last year in section „Illustrator”, to select the best drawings amongst so many good pictures. On the second day, May 9, the program started with the meeting with the writer Pancho Panchev. His new book „Believe if you want” was presented. The official ceremony for awarding the prizes of the winners in the National literary competition on topic “The book is a friend of mine-a road map for a dreamer” and in the National plain-air on topic “A Magician lives in my town” started in 10.30 a.m. More than 40 prizes were awarded. The singers from the studio for rock and pop singing “Rhythm” and the actors from “Marieta and Marioneta” theatre troupe entertained the audience. There was an exhibition exposed, consisting of the best drawings of the plain-air. The European literary marathon /a part of an international project in cooperation with 9 European countries/, dedicated to Yordan Radichkov’s work, started at 12.00ч o’clock sharp, with the Anthem of the European Union. In the course of 6 hours more than 200 volunteers-readers read one by one in front of a numerous audience the short novel “The Bowler-hat” and the best Radichkov’s essays. People in different age, professions and from different social groups took part in the marathon. The youngest participant in the reading was 13 years old, and the oldest –68 years old. The Marathon was closed by a concert of Youth symphony orchestra at the National Secondary school of music and scenic art “Pancho Vladigerov”-Bourgas, conducted by Levon Manukyan. The orchestra played musical compositions of Pancho Vladigerov, Dvorjak, Gershwin, Brahms, Philip Pavlov, Strauss, Anderson, Bach, Gounod, Shostakovich, Schubert and Grieg. Many blue balloons, stamped with the yellow stars, symbol of the European Union, flied above the central square in front of the theatre after the concert and that was how the Day of Europe ended. The festival’s program was much fuller of events on 10 May. A round table on topic: “European dimensions of the Bulgarian children’s literature” was opened in 9.30 a.m. in „May” hall. The following reports were read: Basic thesis at the study of the European parabolas of Bulgarian children’s literature /associate professor Dr. Svetlana Stoycheva/; About „the European” as a critical concept in the self-consciousness of Bulgarian children’s literature /chief assistant Dr. Petar Stefanov /; The European dignity of our modern literature not only for children /senior research associate Dr. Vihren Chernokojev, Rositsa Chernokojeva/; The literature for children at the end of XX and the beginning of XXI century – common European problems and challenges/ associate professor Dr. Margarita Terzieva/; Bulgarian children’s folklore and Europe /Dr. Lilia Stareva/; European values in children’s literature and readers’ world of children and teenagers / associate professor Dr. Dobrinka Stoykova, Dr. Konstantina Nedkova/; State of Bulgarian children’s and teenagers’ literature in Hungary /Dr. Josef Keresturi/; The dwarfs from the both sides of Dream river /Elizabeta Georgieva /; Through rivers and woods... in Europe / chief assistant Maria Nikolova/; Apology for the keeper of the ancient memory /Eric Nolo/; My dates with Yordan Radichkov / associate professor Giuseppe Agata /. Parallel with the discussions of the round table in the theatre continued the events for children. The premiere of the book of Katya Vodenicharova “Granny, follow me!” /Katya Vodenicharova is the winner of the prize “Konstantin Konstantinov” for the last year in section “life-long contribution”/ was held in 9.30. The small theatre hall seemed to be narrow to gather the children, who came for the performance „A Tale for the puppy and kitty” by Josef Chapek, performed by Small puppet theatre „Slon”- Plovdiv. The meeting with Maya Dulgucheva was very interesting for the children. The premiere of the anthology “Fallen pearls -favourite children’s poems from favourite children’s poetesses” /in Bulgarian and in Serbian/ with the special participation of the translator of the edition in Serbian, the poet Mila Vasov /Nish, Serbia/ and all the staff that took part in the preparation of the anthology started in 13.30. The premiere of Petya Aleksandrova’s book “Silky umbrella” from the series “Golden feather” of “Hermes” publishing house was held in 14.30. An exhibition “Picture books — authors issues for children” /a graduation work/ of the students from “Book and printing” department, section of Fine arts at the National art academy –Sofia was opened in 15.30 in „Sirak Skitnik” hall. The works of: Vanya Yordanova, Elena Georgieva, Elene Veselinova, Kristina Toshkova, Maya Grueva, Rositsa Yachkova and Stefka Dimitrova-Velichkova were presented. The exhibition was open by associate professor Nikolai Tsachev /National Academy of Arts - Sofia/. A literary reading was held at the same time in the Cultural figures’ club with the participation of the poets: Sava Peev /Sliven/, Siika Arnaudova /Sliven/, Nikolai Domuschiev /Sliven/, Genka Bogdanova /Yambol/, Angel Chobanov /Yambol/. A motley carnival procession with the special participation of the actors from “Marieta & Marioneta”, pupils from II primary school “Hristo Botev”-Sliven and children from other schools, folklore dance troupe “Bulgarian” at “Hadji Dimitar” community centre passed through the main street of Sliven in 16.00 and it was accompanied by the brass band “Burgas” and majorette troupe from the town of Karnobat. The culmination in the festival’s program was the solemn gala-concert show, which started at 17.30 in Dramatic theatre. On that concert for the fourth year in a row was awarded the national prize “Konstantin Konstantinov”. It has been established since 2004 by the Ministry of culture, National book centre, “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Libraryq Sliven municipality and Rotary club-Sliven. It has been rewarded yearly during the days of the Festival for contributions to book-publishing for children in the previous year and the prize consists of a plastic art sculpture, a diploma and money and it is awarded in four groups: a great prize for entire contribution to the writing and awards for a publishing house, an author and an illustrator. Author of the plastic sculpture is the young Sliven sculpture Seifetin Shekerov. The great prize for entire contribution to the writing was awarded to Leda Mileva. In section “author” the prize was awarded to Pancho Panchev for his book “Believe if you want!” published in 2006. In section “illustrator” there was no prize awarded. In section “Publishing house” the prize was awarded to “Zlatnoto pate” /Golden duckling/ publishing house. The amazing show, on the screenplay of Zlatko Gulekov and directed by Hristo Simeonov, with the special participation of the actors Mira Boyadjieva and Dimitar Rachkov and the songs of the singers of club „Seasons”-Burgas, who charmed the audience in the hall. The third day of the Festival continued with a literary competition. On a special press-conference were presented the winners of the national prize “Konstantin Konstantinov” for 2007. Journalists from regional and national media had the chance to ask the winners their questions. At 12.00 o’clock sharp started the concert of Haigashod Agassyan and the song group „Bees”. At 13.00 o’clock the festival was officially closed. The organizers and the publishing houses “Fjut”, “Hermes”, “Janet-45”, “Slavena” etc. gave many presents to all children who attended the events of the festival’s program. Book with great discounts were sold in the book bazaar in the theatre. The Children’s Book National Festival is a unique event in the country’s cultural life, which stays each year an unforgettable experience because of the excitement of the meetings, because of the creative spirit, new ideas and sincere children’s love and excitement. Let it be the same in future.
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