Books in French
donated to “Sava Dobroplodni”
Regional Library
“Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library and ten more Bulgarian libraries received a donation-books in French-literature for children and classical masterpieces of literature on a special ceremony in the French Culture Institute – Sofia, on June 6, 2005, organized by Mr. Yves Saint-Geours, an ambassador of the Republic of France in Bulgaria. Mr. Dimitri Panitsa – a chairman of “Free and democratic Bulgaria” Foundation, Mrs. Dominique Pace – a General directress of “Biblionef” /a French non-government book organization/, Mr. Juber Forestier – a culture attaché of Republic of France in Bulgaria, Mr. Igor Chipev – a director of the National Book Centre etc. attended the ceremony. The participants in the ceremony listened to a lecture-debate on the topic: “How to make young people to take pleasure in reading nowadays”, presented by Mrs. Christine Peclard – a monitor of libraries for young people at the Paris municipality and the participants also discussed the matter with the organizers. Other discussed matters were lack of education of young people, reading and the rivalry of mass media, revealing the pleasure of reading to children, directions for forming readers’ liking and the role of libraries. Mr. Juber Forestier pointed out in his speech the excellent co-operation between the French Culture Institute-Sofia and “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library – Sliven for developing of cultural exchange between both countries. Representatives of the Sliven library were invited to share with other guests from France their experience in organizing and carrying out the National Children’s Book Festival. Mrs. Christine Peclard showed a special interested in the Festival. She is expected to be a guest of the VIIIth Festival in Sliven in 2006. |