The album "Inspired by Stephen King," with 29 illustrations included in it, is a guide in the world's most sinister and provocative nightmares, dreams and needful things, which reveal an inspiring, artistic and worthy art form, enriching the impressive works by Stephen King. The illustrations presented by Stanimirov are taken from Bulgarian and foreign editions of books by King from the early 90-ies of the last century until nowadays. The first works by Stephen King, marked by the visual and stylistic stamp Petar Stanimirov / Peter Stan / appeared in Bulgaria in the early 90s of last century. Stanimirov not just paint, inspired by the King; he is the man solely responsible for the introduction and promotion of the writer on Bulgarian book market. In this sense Stanimirov is an artist, a publisher and a promoter of King. Along with Stephen King, Stanimirov himself became famous - his name became a visual and even a semiotic synonymous of the King and his drawings became recognizable and key symbols of the whole mini era ... This era is history, a history carrying good feelings, and the album "Inspired by Stephen King" present to us known and unknown strangers images of its chronicles. The artist Petar Stanimirov is a creative ambassador for three generations. He was born in Sofia in 1952. He graduated "Applied Graphics" at the National Art Academy - Sofia. He is a member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists. He was one of the artists in the cult comics "Duga/Rainbow/" magazine in the 80s of the last century. The development of Stanimirov as an artist went from the comic to book publishing industry as in the beginning of the 90s he created the publishing house "Pleiades", specializing in publishing fiction, richly illustrated books for children and comics. In 1995, he founded the publishing house "Mega" - specializing in publishing books-games. He is a leading artist and art director in "Haemimont Games" - studio for computer games from 2000 to 2011. He worked as an illustrator for many Bulgarian and foreign publishers. Petar Stanimirov is well known to citizens of Sliven for his exhibitions of illustrations in the program of the XIVth National Children's Book Festival – 2012and in a collective exhibition of winners of the National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" for contributions to children's publishing in category "Illustrator" in the program of events of the XVth National Children's Book Festival - 2013. He has won the National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" in category "Illustrator" in 2012. The collector’s album by Petar Stanimirov "Inspired by Stephen King" is placed at readers’ disposal in the "Art" department of the regional library.