A long-awaited meeting with works of talented and beloved Bulgarian poet Valentina Radinska who was born in Sliven was held in "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library in 5:00 pm, on March 31, 2014. The hall was too small to gather all her relatives, friends and fans and the meeting was a real celebration of poetry. Valentina Radinska was born in September 11, 1951 in Sliven. She studied two years Bulgarian Philology at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and then continued her studies at the Literary Institute "Maxim Gorky" in Moscow, where she graduated in 1976. She worked as a journalist in "Narodna mladez" newspaper and then - 12 years as an editor in "Boyana" movie studios. She is a head of "Civilization" department in "Continent" newspaper from 1992 to the end of 1994. Since December 1994, she has worked as an editor and from July 1999 to July 2002 - as an editor of "Europe 2001" magazine. From 1996 to 2008, together with Prof. Simeon Yanev she led a course in creative writing, and in the last four years – also a graduate seminar on the same subject at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". In March 2002, Valentina Radinska founded NGO "Living with Children’s Cerebral Palsy" and worked on projects related to the problems of families raising disabled children at home. She is an author of three documentaries made scenarios on social topics and scenario of BNT broadcasted movie - "The Birds" (2003). Valentina Radinska is the author of seven books of poems: "To me a man is walking" (1977), "A night book" (1983), "No" (1988), "Purgatory" (1992), "Everything" (1995); "At least" (2001), "Rains"(2009), "Use of freedom" (2013), "Time. Selected works" (2013). In 2013, she published her documentary novel "We, both with Coco" and in 2014 its revised edition. She is the author of a literary-critical study "Dimcho Debelyanov and the Lord of the Wolves" (1997) for which she received the award for criticism of "Vek 21" newspaper. In 1998, she received the National Award "Mara Belcheva" for her poetic works. She won a prize and the competition of "Trud" newspaper - "Golden chain". For her translations of the poetry of the great Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva, Valentina Radinska won the annual awards of the Union of Translators in Bulgaria in 1992. She is a member of the Association of Bulgarian Writers and PEN club. Her poems have been translated into all European languages, and are included in the five English-language anthologies published in the U.S., Canada and England. The literary evening began with the recital of poems by Valya Radinska performed by E. Nencheva, accompanied by a violinist from Sliven Symphony Orchestra Darina Grigorova. Petya Alexandrova presented a literary portrait of Valentina Radinska. Special attention was paid to the documentary novel Radinska "We, both with Coco", dedicated her life with the eminent director Krikor Azaryan, about who she says: "He was my teacher in life. He led me through its mazes and in its thorny paths with ease and wisdom of a wizard who owns a magic wand. And he had such a wand - that was his heart: the best, the most generous and the biggest heart in the world". The evening continued with an emotional conversation between audience and poetess. Valentina Radinska answered to many questions, shared her creative plans; and of course, promised to return more often to her native town of Sliven. |