than sixty books written by writes from Sliven and Sliven region published
in 2013 were presented on the Friday literary reading in "Sava Dobroplodni"
Regional Library on January 31, 2013, from 5.00 pm. The traditional already
literary event brought together writers, researchers, literary critics and
fans of poetry and prose, seekers of new achievements in the field of
documentary literature, history of Sliven region, archival and generic
research works.
At presented to the public literary review, the literary critic Dimitar
Bechev /for category "prose"/ and the poet Tenko Tenev /for category
"poetry"/ focused on the creative achievements of the presented writers and
the new and different moments, they offered their readers.
The review showed that last year were published 15 books of
poetry by Keti Bozukova, Ilko Ilev Mihail Ilijkov, Dobri Nedev, Georgi
Slavov, Shtiliyan Shtiliyanov, Keti Semova, Dora Cholakova and 36 books -
novels, novellas,
short stories, memories, journalism and literary criticism, historical and
regional studies and generic researches and collections,
essays and biographical and essayistic publications, researches in the field
of church music, etc. Authors of artistic prose books in 2013 are: Anna
Maleshkova, Sava Peev, Nikolay
Domuschiev, Valentin Naydenov /posthumously/, Kosta
Djelebov, Costa Iliev, etc. Great interest of fans of literature attracted
the memories of first-person about events from the anti-fascist struggle of
the last survived
partisan of "Hadji Dimitar" guerrilla squad
Krustyo Kirov -Goran. Children were not forgotten too - two children's books
were published - "Maybe I'm a fish, Mom?" by the talented Sliven poetess
Petya Alexandrova and the collection of stories "I waaaaant! Stories of
adult children" of the winners of the National
"Konstantin Konstantinov" in category "Author" and category "Lifetime
Achievement" between 2004 and 2012, published by "Sava Dobroplodni"
Regional Library - Sliven during
the fifteenth edition of the National Children's Book Festival /May 2013/.
Important part in the review was devoted
to the publications related to the history of Sliven region and the
educational work in Sliven of the researchers of Sliven region Tsveta
Basheva, Ivan Ivanov, Zheko Tanev, of the chronicles of the family of
Nikolay Domuschiev and Maria Zaharieva, and the unique works in the field of
church music and worship by academician Methodii Grigorov.
After the presentation, the Director of "Sava Dobroplodni"
Regional Library, Rositsa
Petrova-Vasileva, greeted the authors
for their creative achievements and wished them a
lot of inspiration and good fortune in the new year.