A Literary Marathon dedicated to The
International Children's Book Day was held in Sliven on the 2 of April
the 2 of April, in 10.00 a. m., in “Sava Dobroplodni" the Regional Library
pupils from schools from Sliven: II elementary school "Hristo Botev", IV
elementary school "Dimitar Petrov", V elementary school "P. K. Yavorov", X
elementary school "Yordan Yovkov", XI elementary school "Konstantin
Konstantinov", XII elementary school "Elisaveta Bagryana", primary school "Vasil
Levski" launched a literary marathon dedicated to the International Day of
children's Book and to the 130 anniversary of Alan Milne – the author of the
book "Winnie the Pooh". “Winnie the Pooh” is one of the most popular
children's books even though its author tells about it that it is intended
not so much for children as for each child that still lives in adults. It is
the first in the series of stories about the teddy bear Winnie the Pooh,
Christopher Robin and their friends from the Great forest. It was published
in 1926 and achieved immediate success both in Europe and the U.S.A. It is
well accepted by children and adults. In 1996 Water Stone's - a leading
publishing company in England, puts the book in the 17th place among the
hundred most read books of XX century. On February 4, 1966 Winnie the Pooh
first appeared in Disney’s cartoons – the movie "Winnie the Pooh and the
honey tree". Books and movies about Winnie the Pooh have been translated
into 29 languages and they can be found in 38 countries.
The literary Marathon is organized by an
initiative of the Regional Library with the support of “Egmont Bulgaria" and
"Pan" publishing houses. For one hour more than 500 children read favorite
excerpts from the book "Winnie the Pooh”. Each participant received a
colorful illustrated booklet with information about the author Alan Milne
and some of the most memorable thoughts and phrases of the famous bear
included, and to the school libraries of the schools which took part in the
marathon "Sava Dobroplodni" regional library gifted a copy of the book. |