Four trainings of librarians from the region were held at the computer training center of "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library - Sliven
The trainings
organized under contract № 00-249 / 08 of the "Global Libraries - Bulgaria"
/ FGBB / with the Ministry of
Culture to develop the capacity of training centers
built under the program "Global Libraries - Bulgaria". Forty librarians from Sliven region - representatives of the target libraries under the program were trained in the courses. Each course lasted three days. In ICT trainings librarians were trained to work with a scanner and a digital camera; graphic images processing; creating videos with Windows Live Movie Maker; burning DVDs; creating brochures and promotional materials by MS Publisher; they got familiar with the system of E-Learning - working principles, introduction to the interface, creating a profile, choice of a course, etc.
Trainings in "Sava Dobroplodni" regional library were held by highly qualified professionals in methodology, curriculum and materials developed specifically for the chosen themes. Trainings "Digitization. Create full-text electronic databases with regional knowledge content” were carried out on the issued in 2014 practical guide "Digitizing the literary heritage of Bulgarian libraries" written by Dr. Rositsa Petrova-Vasileva and Dr. Eng. Dimitar Vasilev.