the eleventh consecutive year, "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional library organized
for the children of Sliven workshop entitled "Summer in the library" in
This year too, the interest in the
initiative of the library was great. Regardless of the surprises of the
summer time, every weekday from 9: 30 am until midday more than 40 children
aged 7 to 10 years attended the organized activities. Every day,
traditionally, classes started with entertaining reading hour. For one hour,
in one of the reading rooms of the library children read books by Bulga rian
and foreign children's authors, who were not included in the "annoying and
compulsory" school summer reading lists.
The smartly
selected books by contemporary authors like Vesela Flamburari, Julia Spiridonova,
Neli Margaritova, Rumen Ivanchev, Ole Lund Kierkegaard, Sven Norkvist, etc.
attracted the interest of young readers and made reading a funny and
enjoyable experience. At the end of each reading hour children discussed the
books read and naturally and spontaneously commented what impressed them,
offered their options for end of story. They had fun as librarians
dramatized excerpts from books and
children enthusiastically took part as actors.
classes in reading, the daily program of the workshop included interesting
thematic activities. The first classes: "My library - my Treasure Island";
"Ancient history books", "How to make a book?" were dedicated to the book
and the library. Through interesting presentations, a trip into the library,
visits to bookstores, children got acquainted with the history of book
publishing and the way the book was created from its writing to its
appearance on the shelves of bookstores and libraries. They were able to
prepare also their versions of a book written, edited and illustrated by
The program included sessions on other
topics of interest to children such as "Fun Natural school", "Tasty
geography", "Because we are different. - Ethnic groups in Bulgaria. Customs,
holidays, religion", as well as topics related to the rules of good health,
friendship, fashion, music, theater, etc.
The program this year was focused on
topics related to the history,
daily life, mores, customs and traditions of our city. In thematic
"Ancient history of Sliven", "Sliven - a city of rebels and enlighteners",
"Tales of heroes, rebels and their heroic deeds", "Under the azure sky of
The Blue stones", "The Golden hands of old Sliven craftsmen", "In the
silence of Sliven old houses", "Under the branches of the old elm the wind
tells legends", etc., children were introduced to interesting facts about
the ancient history of Sliven and its development over the centur ies,
learned more about the famous Sliven Revival figures, symbols of the city,
the Revival architecture, crafts, monuments... Each thematic class related
to the history and monuments of the city was accompanied by visits of the
museums, galleries, monuments / house – museum of "Dobri Chintulov", house -
museum of Sliven customs, the National Museum of textile industry, the Art
gallery "Dimitar Dobrovich", the monument of Hadji Dimitar, the Clock tower,
the administrative building of the park "The Blue stones", The Old elm tree,
etc. /. Two days the children
the monuments of Sliven inspired by
legends, stories and memories of them.
Interesting for children were also the
topics related to folk
traditions, customs and folklore: "The Handicrafts of Bulgarian women. -
Wealth of Bulgarian embroidery. Costumes from Sliven region", "The Magic of
Bulgarian round dance", "I mostly love to eat. - Sliven Traditional meals",
“The games of our grandparents", "They ate, drank and had fun for three
days. - Customs, traditions and songs from Sliven region". Children e xpressed
their impressions of what they saw and learned in the bookmarks they made by
themselves and postcards with motifs from folk embroidery. They also
prepared lunch menu of their favorite meals from Sliven region. Great
laughter and fun accompanied the performance of children's games and entertainment
from more than a century. The children were very happy because they have
already learned the steps of Bulgarian round dance.
usually the practical classes practice were the most cheerful and funny
ones: children drew, made cards and bookmarks, mummer masks,
bracelets and amulets, panels of natural
materials, mastered the secrets of origami, etc. And we, the adults, we were
surprised by the vast children's imagination and original creativity woven
into each object or drawing they made.
Traditionally, the summer workshop ended
with a special ceremony - a real parade of talents. The children sang
favorite songs, poems, danced, participated in fun competitions, shared
funny anecdotes and amusing misunderstandings occurred during the classes,
they told about their new friendships. At the end of the celebration each pa rticipant
received as a gift a certificate and nice children's books with wishes for
many pleasant moments in the wonderful world of fairy tales.
By the
summer workshop organized "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional library once again
made the vacation of its
young readers happy, funny and unique. For librarians remained the
satisfaction of the work done and the challenge to take, by the help of new
initiatives, more children on a wonderful journey into the realm of books. |