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Friday literature readings started again Friday literature readings started again in “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library - Sliven on the 29th of September after the summer vacation. With this first meeting of the new creative season the organizers of the literary initiative followed the tradition to present to the connoisseurs of the written speech from our town, authors, who trace the different style of the new century. Georgi Gospodinov – one of the most readable and translated contemporary authors, was the first guest of the new season of literature readings. He was born in 1968 in Yambol. His debut has begun with the book of poetry “Lapidarium” /1992/, which won the National award for a debut “South Spring”. It was followed by the books of poetry “The cherry tree of one people”, which has gone through three editions /1996, 1998, 2003/, “Letters to Gaustin” /2003/, stories, plays and studies. Georgi Gospodinov is a co-author of books-literature mystifications: “Bulgarian collectanea”/1995/ and “Bulgarian anthology”/1998/. His first novel “Natural novel” has gone through four editions during the years - 1999, 2000, 2004, 2006. The book got the Special reward on the “Development” competition, and the criticism defined it as “the first novel by birth and by fame of the generation of the nineties years” /”Egoist” magazine/. It is translated in Serbia, Macedonia, France, Czech, Slovenia, Croatia, Denmark and USA. Reviews, concerning the novel have in Times, New Yorker, Le Nouvel Observateur and in Livres Hedbo magazines. Georgi Gospodinov is an editor of the “Literary newspaper”, an author of weekly commentaries in the “Diary” magazine and an editor for Bulgaria of a literature magazine published in Oxford. The writer and his literature works were presented by Biliana Kurtasheva – a literary critic. The collection “I was living the socialism”, whose compiler is Georgi Gospodinov was the accent of the presentation. This book contains 171 personal stories – real and exciting concerning his experience during the years of socialism from the 50ies to the 80ies of XX century. Many stories about evil and horror during those years were told. Bulgarians from different ages and regions of the country told about their personal memories from those years. The meeting was organized in co-operation with “Janet 45” publishing house. This meeting put the start of a long-term co-operation with the publishing house, which is the only one which publishes with priority contemporary Bulgarian authors. |
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