
The Directress of “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library welcomed colleagues of hers, partners in IX National Children’s Book Festival


The Directress of “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library – Sliven Mrs. Rositsa Petrova welcomed heads of Sliven schools that actively took part in the implementation of IX National Children’s Book Festival /May 8-11, 2007/ on 28 May 2007.

More than twenty guests attended the meeting, held by initiative of the library’s direction. All heads received souvenirs with the logo of the festival for the school libraries, also librarys editions, published for the Ninetieth festival Symposium of reports from the Round table on topicEuropean dimensions of Bulgarian children’s literature”, Medley of works-winners in the national children’s literary competition Book if a friend of mine – roadmap for a dreamer”, also a leaflet about Yordan Radichkov the wiseman from another planet”. Radichkovs works have been read in the framework of the newest initiative during the days of the festival European literary marathon. The guests received also the special edition of the bilingual anthologyFallen pearls”, published in Bulgarian and Serbian, which contains favourite children’s poems from favourite Bulgarian poetesses. Compiler of the book is RositsaPetrova-Vasileva, and translator is the famous Serbian writer and journalist Mila Vasov.

Diplomas for active participation in the events of the festival’s program have been awarded.

RositsaPetrova said to the heads that she firmly believe that the work in cooperation between the library and Sliven schools will continue in future and not only during the days of the festival. According the Mrs. Petrova’s opinion, it is important that the information about the lists of books that have to be read during the pupils’ summer holidays have to be brought to the library on time, in order library to have time to buy the books needed and to satisfy the needs of its readers - pupils