
Summer workshops for children starts in “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional library


Summer workshops for children “It is funny and interesting in the library” will start on 2 July 2007 /Monday/, for second year in a row in “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional library.

Each day of the week from 9.30 to 12.00, from 2 July to 20 August, children aged 7 to 12 years, who love books and who are readers of the library may take part in the organized entertainments: they will read their favourite books, will meet famous writers, will have fun in different games and competitions, will draw, will make figures from plasticine and will take part in performances of plays.

The programme of the entertaining classes on different topics which will be held each Tuesday and Thursday of the week is very interesting.

There will be “A magic fancy-dress ball with characters from fairy-tales” held at the end of the summer children’s workshop. There will also be diplomas and awards for the most active participants in the entertainments during the workshop.

Full program of the entertainments day after day of the Summer workshop for children will be published on the library’s web-site: http://reglibsliven.iradeum.com in section „For you, children!”.