"Sava Dobroplodni"
Regional Library - Sliven successfully launched the initiatives devoted to
the National campaign "Read with Me"
"Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library - Sliven launched the initiatives
dedicated to the National campaign "Read with me" with Open doors days on 24
and 25 of September 2014. The library was attended by over 550 children and
teenagers from different schools in Sliven during these two days.
More than 190 children visited the library on September 24. They took part
in various initiatives: educational trips in the library, quizzes and
literary competitions, performances, etc. With great desire and enthusiasm
children from preparatory group of Kindergarten "Mak", second-graders from
IIIrd primary school "Dr. Ivan Seliminski" and Vth secondary school "Peyo
Yavorov "and other litlle readers of the Children's Department participated
in a literary marathon as they read with pleasure to their classmates
excerpts from favorite Bulgarian folk tales, from "Matilda" by Roald Dahl
and "Pippi Longstocking" by Astrid Lindgren. Parents who accompanied them
read with them too. The youngest reading participant was six-year old
Jacqueline Yavorova from Kindergarten "Mak".
Over 350 children and teens visited "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library -
Sliven on September 25th - the second day of the Open doors days. They got
acquainted with the recent acquisitions in the library and information
services and participated in a kind of literary marathon. Sixth graders,
seventh graders and juniors from Humanitarian High School "Damyan Damyanov"
read "The Little Prince" by Exupery", “To Chicago and Back" by Aleko
Konstantinov, verses by Hristo Botev and participated in a specially
prepared literary quiz. Students from IIIrd primary school "Dr. Ivan
Seliminski" and Vth secondary school "Peyo Yavorov" had entertaining classes
reading books by Erich Kastner. Eighth graders from all classes of High
school for foreign languages "Zahari Stoyanov" and seventh graders from
IIIrd primary school "Dr. Ivan Seliminski" visited the Foreign language
center of the library and participated in initiatives organized by the
librarians dedicated to the European Day of Languages: Presentation
"European Day of Languages - Unity in diversity", literary competitions,
reading excerpts from the original books by contemporary English, American,
German and French writers.
The results of the initiatives in the Open doors days in the library are
more than inspiring and prove again that Sliven children are some of the
best readers in the country and the longtime dedicated efforts of the
library to initiate and organize events promoting reading from early
childhood give their results and deserve the support of Sliven citizenship.
The initiatives of "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library in support of the
campaign "Read with me" continue with the premiere of the book "Refugees" by
Vesela Lyahova on September 26th, 2014.
Everyone who wants to join the Big read in the National campaign "Read with
me" will have the chance to read excerpts from favorite books at 11:00 am in
the library on 28th of September, 2014.