XVII-th National Seminar of
users of Integrated Library Information System
E-Lib / I-Lib was held
from 23 to 25 September 2015 in
The XVII-th National
Seminar of users of
Integrated Library Information System E-Lib / I-Lib was held
in "National Palace" hotel
from 23 to 25 September 2015 in Sliven.
Organizers of the event were the companies
SoftLib, PrimaSoft and "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library-
Sliven. The seminar was held within the framework of the 60th
anniversary of the library.
Company is a company founded in early 1999 by experienced IT professionals
with experience in the fields of library technology and software. Its
activity is focused on design, development, implementation and maintenance
of software systems and Internet applications for comprehensive process
automation in libraries, museums, galleries, archives.
Main products of the company are:
Integrated Library System e-Lib / i-Lib.
A Modular system of specialized work stations for the automation of all
library activities, with the possibility for the use of RFID and barcode
technologies, designed for automation of the processes of registration,
processing, inventory, service, statistics, and presentation of digital
content. Internet catalogs. The system is implemented and operates in more
than 200 libraries.

New version of
the popular product for automation of libraries e-Lib, developed on a modern
platform PHP / Access / SQL. Development of the functionality of the classic
modules towards managing access to digital
content, services and dynamic readership statistics, library management and
financial control. It allows a flexible adjustment to the specific
requirements of users. The system offers specialized versions for regional,
university, institutional, community centers and school libraries.
New version of the popular
online catalog i-Lib, developed on platform Apache / PHP / SQL, specifically
designed for presentation on the Internet of library and documentary
databases "Virtual Library". It has extensive tools for information
searching. Controlled access to libraries’ own digital content, as well as
posted on the Internet. MyLibrary - advanced options for online services for
readers, through mobile devices including - virtual shelves, service
requests and literature reservations, ratings, rankings, comments, etc.
Museum system
The specialized software platform for museums is a newly
developed modern system of electronic processing of data from museum
collections, and events. It offers opportunities for creating and
maintaining complete descriptions of museum exhibits under current
regulatory standards. Created with the software "Scientific passport"
includes full information about the stock unit.
Among the major projects of the company are also the
electronic union catalogs: REGINA P – a union catalog of periodicals
until 1944. Digital Collection: National Library "Ivan Vazov" - Plovdiv,
Sofia library, "P.R. Slaveykov" Regional Library- Veliko Tarnovo, "P.K.
Yavorov", Regional Library- Burgas, MONM / 2008 /; REGINA – a union
catalog of regional libraries: National Library
"Ivan Vazov" - Plovdiv, Sofia library, "P.R. Slaveykov" Regional Library-
Veliko Tarnovo, "P.K. Yavorov" Regional Library– Burgas, "Sava Dobroplodni"
Regional Library- Sliven, SoftLib / 2008-2015 /; NANIKo - design of
an effective system for modern scientific and information services for
agricultural sciences: Center for Scientific and Technical Information of
the National Centre for Agrarian Sciences - Sofia, Agricultural University -
Plovdiv, Trakia University - Stara Zagora and Forestry University MONM /
2007 /, etc., and construction of digital centers in the University of
Forestry in Sofia, Medical University - Pleven, Thracian University of Stara
Zagora, "Ivan Vazov" National Library - Plovdiv, Sofia library, "P.R.
Slaveykov" Regional Library- Veliko Tarnovo, "P.K. Yavorov" Regional Library–
Burgas, etc.
Dobroplodni" Regional Libraryhosted the seminar
and it is a partner of
SoftLib company from its foundation and it is among the first users of its
software products for automation of basic library bibliographic processes.
With a modern look, combining perfectly tradition and wealth of the new
technologies, the
library has established itself as an attractive literary, cultural and
scientific-information center and a desirable host of regional, national and
international forums.
The seminar was attended by more
than 80 participants nationwide. New integrated solutions in the field of
information and communication technologies, new software solutions for the
presentation of the library and museum institutions and Internet management
and access to digital content, new developments of integrated software of
the company and vision for development were presented. Customers - long-term
or new shared their experiences of deployment and use of software solutions
of the company, exchanged ideas and discussed the proposed changes.
Participants who are not consumers also took part in the seminar and made
their studies of products by shared real practice.
Special guests of the seminar
were: Anna Popova – a member of the Board of BLIA, Dimitar Minev – a
director of "Ivan Vazov" National Library - Plovdiv, Julia Tsinzova – a
director of Sofia City Library, Savina Tsoneva – a director of "Aprilov-Palauzov"
Regional Library- Gabrovo, Sofia Peicheva – a Director of “Em. Popdimitrov "
Regional Library- Kyustendil, Rositsa Kutsarova – a director of "P. Stapov"
Regional Library-
Targovishte, Maria Bencheva – a Director of " P.K. Yavorov" Regional
Library- Burgas. |