BOOKS BY SLIVEN AUTHORS WRITTEN IN 2018 WERE PRESENTED IN "SAVA DOBROPLODNI" REGIONAL LIBRARY - SLIVEN Forty-seven books by authors from Sliven and the region, published in 2018, were presented on January 25, 2019, at 5:00 pm, at Sava Dobroplodni Regional Library, within the first Friday Literary readings. The review of Sliven authors' annual book production has been conducted by Sava Dobroplodni Regional Library in Sliven for more than twenty years as the aim of the literary event, which has become a tradition, is to outline the books published in the past year as a literary fact, to focus on the creative achievements of the presented authors and the new and the different that they offer to their readers and, last but not least, to provoke the readers' interest in the newly published books.
There is a great variety of genres
in the books included: 12 books of poetry and prose for adults (novels,
stories, short novels, essays), 1 book of tales and poems for children, and
34 books on history,
In the poetry section a special place was devoted to the latest poem by Valentina Radinska "Because it's cold", as well as to the poetic books published in 2018 by E. Bozhidarova, K. Bozukova, A. Maleshkova, K. Paskaleva, S. Chanev, A. Atanasov,etc. In the review of the Prose section were highlighted the merits of the published in 2018 books by A.Iliev, V.Sedlarska, A.Maleshkova, G.Marinov, N.Domuschiev, St.Stilianov, on the revised and supplemented edition by Kamen Vassevski "Previous Memory. Memoirs for Writers ", as well as D. Denev's Collection of Literary Criticism "Empowered View ". A special place in the survey was also devoted to the issued in 2018 books for children - "Wolf‘s troubles" by the poetess P.Alexandrova and the unique collection "Astronomy for children" by Iv.Getsova. An in-depth analysis of the issued in 2018 literary, artistic, family and historical studies and journals, autobiographical collections and interviews, collections of documentary materials and bibliographic publications was also presented. A special place was also given to the book by the climber Atanas Skatov "The Soul of the Mountain: Manaslu: The Diary of a Vegan". The books by Sliven authors were traditionally presented by Tenko Tenev – a poet, chairman of the Writers' Association in the town of Yambol /for poetry section/ and by the literary critic Dimitar Bechev - director of Regional Library "G. S. Rakovski "- Yambol /for prose section/. At the end of the evening a greeting address was read to the Sliven authors and the organizers of the literary event of Sava Dobroplodni Regional Library, sent by the Deputy of the National Assembly, Desislava Taneva / PP GERB /. |