A Local Development Forum for Sliven and Yambol Regions Under the Program "Global Libraries-Bulgaria” was held on 21 and 22 October 2013 in Nessebar A forum for local development of Sliven and Yambol regions on topic "Public library - the heart of the community", organized under the Program "Global Libraries - Bulgaria" at "Sol Nessebar Palace" hotel in Nessebar on 21 and 22 October 2013. It took together more than 75 librarians from the target libraries in both areas. Guests on the forum were Trendafil Meretev - Head of the Program "Global Libraries - Bulgaria", Igor Chipev - Director of Department "Intangible cultural heritage" of the Ministry of Culture , Kolyo Milev - Mayor of Sliven, professor Radka Koleva / State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies/, representatives of regional administrations in both cities , deputy mayors, experts from the municipal administrations in Nova Zagora, Tvurditsa, Yambol, Straldzha, Boliarovo, Elhovo, representatives of social, educational and cultural institutions, NGOs, media – partners of the libraries in the implementation of their initiatives and projects. The aim of the forum was to present the main transformational changes that experienced target libraries under the Program "Global Libraries - Bulgaria" in the period 2009- 2013, the new aspects of their activities, as well as the best practices and successful partnerships they made. The forum was opened by a welcoming speech by Kolyo Milev - Mayor of Sliven. In his speech, he gave an assessment of the achievements over the years of the target libraries included in the program and handed diplomas to Trendafil Meretev and Igor Chipev for their contribution to the modernization and development of the libraries of Sliven Municipality. Welcoming speeches to the guests and participants in the forum were sent by Desislava Taneva – a deputy from the parliamentary party GERB /Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria/, who for a few years actively contributes to the implementation of the objectives of the Program "Global Libraries-Bulgaria" in Sliven region and by the mayor of Yambol Municipality Mr. Georgi Slavov. The first plenary day was dedicated to the theme "Libraries and community - new roles and partnerships" and passed in two sessions. One plenary report and eight presentations were presented. The first session was led by Rositsa Petrova -Vasileva - Director of "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library - Sliven and a regional coordinator of the Program "Global Libraries - Bulgaria" for Sliven region. The session was opened with a presentation entitled "Measuring the Impact of the Program " Global Libraries - Bulgaria" on the development of local communities", presented by the program manager Trendafil Meretev . A plenary report on topic "Public Library - modern, relevant , different " read Rosica Petrova- Vasileva. There were also presentations: "Public library - a place for a social integration" / by Petya Kaneva , "Sava Dobroplodni" Regiona Library- Sliven/, "Public Library - an intermediary on the labor market" / Hristo Kolev, Directorate "Labour " - Nova Zagora /. The second session was led by Dimitar Bechev - Director of "G. S. Rakovsky" Regional Library-Yambol and a regional coordinator of the Program "Global Libraries - Bulgaria" for Yambol District. The presentations: "Public Library and a Lifelong Learning" / by Yoana Dimitrova, "Sava Dobroplodni" Regiona Library - Sliven /, "Children , parents and teachers learn together or the personal computer - usage " / N. Roydeva , "Prosveta -1910" community centre - Tenevo village, Yambol district/, "Doll fiesta (the library and the theater - partners in the summer work with children ) / D.Hristov , "G. S. Rakovsky" Regional Library-Yambol, A. Popov, actor from the Puppet Theater - Yambol/, "The Library - a center of cultural initiatives and projects” / T. Markova, "Sava Dobroplodni" Regiona Library - Sliven/ were presented. The first day ended with a plenary essay on topic "The library - a way to use it" by Dimitar Bechev. The forum continued its work in groups on October 22, to prepare preliminary proposals for the new roles of the library in the community and effective partnerships for their implementation. Seven proposals were presented and discussed. At the end of the two-day forum the head manager of the Program "Global Libraries - Bulgaria" Trendafil Meretev thanked the representatives of the target libraries from both regions for their contribution to the successful implementation of the first phase of the program, wishing the successful cooperation will continue in future.