


Traditionally various events, dedicated to the French language and culture took place on the eve of the 20th of March - the International Day of the Francophony, have been organized in Sava Dobroplodni Regional Library - Sliven. So our city is part of celebrating the celebration, which brings together over 870 million francophones from all over the world.

This year, the events concerning French language and culture in Sava Dobroplodni Regional Library took place from March 19th to March 23rd, with more than 250 students from High school for foreign languages Zahari Stoyanov and High school of nature science and mathematics Dobri Chintulov, as well as many readers – fans of French language. In front of them, the librarians from the Foreign Language Center of the Library presented an open lesson and multimedia presentation in French about Stendal, presenting interesting moments of the life and creative path of Henry Marie Bale (Stendal), dedicated to the 235th anniversary of his birth.

Great interest attracted also the movies in French: "Red and Black", based on Stendhal's immortal novel; the biographical, documentary "Proverbs of Science Fiction - Jules Verne" dedicated on the 190th anniversary of the birth of the great French writer; the adventure movie "Journey to the Center of the Earth", based on Jules Verne's eponymous novel.

A collection of works by contemporary French authors was presented at the Foreign Language Center, as well as many new textbooks for French language learning.

The events organized by the library aimed at facilitating the exchange of ideas, raising the interest in French culture and language, its traditions and customs, strengthening the dialogue between cultures and civilizations.
