"Sava Dobroplodni” regional library presented the books of Sliven authors published in 2009
Nineteen collections of poems were issued last year. Authors of the poems are prominent artists such as Petya Alexandrova, Kety Bozoukova, Kamen Vasevski, Sava Peev, Elena Milcheva etc. Special attention deserves the book "Foxtrot" by Biser Boichev and the poetic debut of Catherine Fedina. Last year were issued more than 30 books of prose - fiction and literature from all fields of knowledge: historical-regional studies and collections, travel notes, essays and biographical publications, research on church music, collections of chants. Among the authors of fiction are the eminent writers Atanas Slavov, Jordan Kalaikov, Andrea Iliev, Margarit Abadjiev etc. Many of them were presented and their books had their premiere just in Sliven Regional library. Among the books included in the presentation were those of His Eminence Metropolitan bishop of Sliven Yoanikiy "Pearls of the spiritual treasury" and "About angels, demons and the judiciaries, according to holy Fathers of the Church." Part of the books which were published last year by Sliven authors bear the stamp of Sliven publishing houses "Jajda", "Obnova", "Compass" and of famous national publishers. Four issues were published by "Sava Dobroplodni” regional library last year: A Medley of works-winners in the National literary competition written by children who took part in the ХІ National Children’s Book Festival, A Medley of reports of the round table’s discussion on topic «Thematic and genre changes in children’s literature in the beginning of XXI century – a view in the Balkan literatures» (held in the frame of the festival), A Guide to Reading and an Exhibition catalog "In the world of Pippi Longstocking." The output of Sliven authors was presented by Tenko Tenev – a poet, chairman of the Writers’ Association in the town of Yambol and the literary critic Dimitar Bechev - Director of “Georgi Rakovski” regional library - Yambol. The event is included in the cultural calendar of Sliven Municipality. |