One hundred and forty fifth anniversary from the founding
of the first women charity "Motherly duty" in Sliven
hundred and forty fifth anniversary from the founding of the first women
charity "Motherly duty" in Sliven were celebrated in"Sava Dobroplodni"
Regional Library on January 21, 2015.
charity "Motherly duty"
was founded in 1870 by the eminent figure from the
time of Bulgarian Revival- a teacher and
a great public figure
Argira Dimitrova
Zhechkova inspired by the
energetic and patriotic
citizen of Sliven Stefan Gidikov.
The first goals of the charity
recorded in
its first
statute were:
"to educate Sliven
mothers and girls
and to exercise
charity at every opportunity."
And its members followed
these goals with great enthusiasm until
1944. The charity started again
its activities in 1993.
entitled "Serving society" about
the history of women's association
from its establishment until 1944,
about its biggest
charities in the period,
as well as information about its
chairman and members was presented to the audience
that attended the event: teachers, journalists,
current members of the charity, patrons of
the library.
The current President of the women charity
"Motherly duty"- Sliven, Petya Rumenova described the activities of the
resumed in 1993 charity and appealed to attract new members to the
organization outlining the new guidelines for activity. There have been
suggestions made for new ways of announcing the initiatives of the charity,
for their promotion and documentation, as well as to fill the "gaps" in its
history. |