
The program "Summer in the Library" started in

"Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library - Sliven


 "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library offered its small readers for the sixth year in a row a special program to have a meaningful and enjoyable summer vacation.

The program started on the 4th of July 2011 and continued until 26th of August 2011 including (with one week break from the 1st of August until the 6th of August 2011).

Children aged from 7 to 11 years took part in it. Within the program, every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9.30 am to 10.30 pm in the library the librarians from the Children's Department conducted a fun "reading hour", in which they read excerpts from favorite children's books by famous authors, and each Wednesday and Friday from 9.30 am to 12.00 pm, children attended themed activity of their choice. This year again the classes were selected by interesting topics related to space, planets, flora and fauna, seasons, rules for a good health, fashion tec.: children learnt interesting facts, listened to mysterious stories, met famous writers and artists, learnt many practical skills to draw,  to model with plasticine, had fun and found new friends. Children must state their willingness to participate in specific thematic classes in the children's department of the library 5 days before the event. In the thematic classes part could take only children who were readers of the library. A detailed program could be found online on the library’s website (reglibsliven.iradeum.com) in section "For you, children."

From July the 4th, 2011 started the first of the series of courses "First steps in computer literacy" for children aged 8 to 10 years. Each course lasted seven days and was free. The program included: an overview of computer use and administration, trivia, and information terms, initial steps to work with most popular word processing program Word; work with printer, work with external storage of information, work with Internet; registration , creating, sending, receiving e-mail; create a Skype account, send text in an attachment, etc. .. Classes were a combination of presentations, exercises and games. Training in the program adapted for children was performed by a qualified engineer - teacher.

