festivities "Christmas
the Library"
"Sava Dobroplodni"
Regional Library ended
from "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library - Sliven made
again the expectation of Christmas holidays interesting and exciting
for children and teenagers
of our city by organizing from 14th
to 18th
December 2015 celebrations "Christmas in the library".
The program of festivities included various initiatives - performances, open
dedicated to the Christmas mysteries, entertaining meetings with Santa, r eporting
the results of the competition for the
Christmas card and original Christmas wish
"Christmas Magic" and the literary contest "Letter to Santa",
an exhibition
of Christmas cards.
The performances
"Christmas messes" enjoyed greatest interest. Over 760 children from
different schools in Sliven and kindergartens enjoyed 16 performances of
Christmas misadventures of Dzhudzheyka – a diligent assistant of Santa
Claus, helped naive
but good snowman Mr. Snezhonski and had fun with Zlobyula - the envious
thief of Christmas gifts, they all sang danced and recited, they answered
riddles and
curious questions
related to the Christmas mysteries, eagerly performed the roles of falling
snowflakes, hard-working dwarves, fleet-footed deer.
For the first time in the Christmas performances young
actors from the Children's fabulous theater in the library took part.
Due to the great interest for the performances they will continue on 21st
and 22nd of December too.
On December 18th, 2015 the official ceremony of announcing the
results and awarding the winners in the competition for the best Christmas
card and original Christmas wish "Christmas Magic" and the literary contest
"Letter to Santa
was held. Festively decorated hall hardly gathered together the winners in
the different age groups and categories and their relatives and
friends. The ceremony was opened by performances of Christmas songs by young
talents from the Club for young pop and rock performers "Rhythm" at
Children's Complex - Sliven led by Elena Peeva. Small survakari from "Trakiyche"
dance troupe at Children's Complex Sliven sang and danced entertaining the
With smiles, glowing with happiness children's faces and applause
was accompanied the awarding
of winners in both competitions. The competition for the best Christmas card
"Christmas magic" involved over 600 children
5 to 14 years from schools and kindergartens from Sliven and the region. In
each card participants also wrote an original Christmas wish. In the
literary contest "Letter to
Santa Claus" over 387 children and teenagers aged 7 to 19 years old
throughout the country took part.
The results of the competition can be seen on the library's website in
awards were
handed in
by the director of the library Dr. Rositsa Petrova-Vasileva. She
all the participants,
her satisfaction by
their talented works and wished them merry Christmas holidays, good health,
smiles, dreams come true and success in future competitions
of the
library. The ceremony ended with
a beautiful dance
of the
s urvakari
the ensemble "Trakiyche".
More than 2,000 children from Sliven schools and
kindergartens took part in the library’s initiatives
Library’s initiatives for the holidays continued. A ceremony "Reader of the
Year for 2015 of "Sava Dobroplodni" regional library” as a part of the
national initiative "Reader of the Year", under the patronage of Mrs. Maria
Gabriel - MEP was held
December 21st, at 10:00 a.m. Same day at 4.00 p.m., in the lobby
of the library an exhibition of the winners of the contest "Fabulous
Christmas" of the National Art Gallery "Dimitar Dobrovich" - Sliven was
"Sava Dobroplodni" Regional library
wishes its young and older
readers a merry Christmas, a lot of presents under the tree, health,
and success in the New Year and see them
soon in the wonderful world of books!