THE BOOK "THE PHILOSOPHER" BY PROFESSOR PETKO GANCHEV WAS PRESENTED IN "SAVA DOBROPLODNI" REGIONAL LIBRARY - SLIVEN The book by Prof. Petko Ganchev "The Philosopher" was presented in Sava Dobroplodni Regional Library in Sliven on November 17th, 2017, at 5:00 p.m.
He is a member of the 39th National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria (2001-2005). From 25th of April 2005 to 31st of May 2009, he is an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Belarus. With his active diplomatic activity, it contributes a lot to raising Bulgaria's authority in Belarus and developing new higher levels of multilateral relations between the two countries. He is currently a Chairman of the Geopolitical Center Eurasia - Sofia and a Deputy Chief of the Scientific Council of the International Science Fund - Sofia.
Recently the novel by Petko Ganchev "The
Philosopher" was published. The author shares about it: "The novel "The
Philosopher" is my 41st book ... It consists of two parts. The first part is
entitled "Action and Thought" (A Chronicle) and the second - "Thought and
Action". History dominates the first part, movement and fate of some of the
main characters in our history since 1815. The second is more philosophical.
It contains thoughts about man, soul, man's loneliness, love, death, the
role of words in our lives The presentation of the novel “The Philosopher” was carried out with the assistance of the House of Friendship and Friendship Association with the Peoples of Russia and the CIS - Sliven. |