MOVIE is a project aimed to raise awareness on the values and the activities of the European Union proposed by Centro In Europa and realized with the support of compagnia di San Paolo. MOVIE is addressed to the Italian citizens and those of the participant countries, but particularly to the young people (14-25 years), attending secondary schools or university, and to the elderly ones, often witnesses of key events of the twentieth century. MOVIE is carried on by Centro in Europa /Genoa, Italy/ in partnership with University of Genoa – Dipartimento di Ricerche Europee, Fondazione per la Scuola /Genoa/, " Antenna Europe Direct " of the City of Genoa, National Museum of Cinema of Turin, “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional library – Sliven (Bulgaria), the University of Stettino (Poland), the Museum of the Occupation of Riga (Latvia), Latvian association of the Teachers of History with head office in Riga (Latvia). The documentary movie made on MOVIE project by the contribution of each country-partner in that project / describes the ways of liberating from the totalitarian regimes and the integration to the EU and presents the concrete results, achieved by nowadays and the expectations, related to their membership in the EU. Each of the partners contribute with historical clips, interviews, nowadays shots – dealing with a subject which can be summed up as follows: images and memories of the respective ways to democracy in partner countries; the decisions to join the European Union; the advantages of this entrance, today; the expectations. The movie doesn't assume a propagandist tone, but concentrates on the concrete results and on the still opened problems of the European integration. It is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Roma treaty. The second part of the movie (including the results and the expectations of the membership in the EU) was realized by a contest, organized in Italy for the creation of a subject for a short film devoted to that matter. In that part are presented interviews of young people /age 14-25/ from the countries –participants in the project. The interviews of 8 young Bulgarian girls and boys are included /they are the largest number after those of the participants from Italy /. /first part -, second part - The official presentation of the movie was in October during the Festival of cinema in Genoa. The movie was also presented in the National Museum of Cinema of Turin during the Festival of documentary movies in Turin (Italy). Project’s web-site is - section „progetti europei” and it presents all the phases of the activity. There is a format for downloading the documentary movie and the interviews of the young people. “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional library will distribute the movie in Bulgaria after its promotion in English. |