“SAVA DOBROPLODNI” REGIONAL LIBRARY PRESENTED THE WEB-SITE OF THE “EUROPEAN LITERARY MARATHON” “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library presented the official web-site of the project “European Literary Marathon” /May 9, 2007/ on 16 February 2007. The European Literary Marathon is sponsored by „Culture 2000" Program and it is implemented in cooperation with “Aida”Foundation - /Verona, Italy/, European Centre - /Cartagena, Spain/, „Prisma" Foundation- /Athens, Greece/, Romanian National Radio - /Bucharest, Romania/ etc. Sliven is honoured that the only partner on the project from Bulgaria is “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library. The directress of the library Mrs. Rositsa Petrova announced to the representatives of national and local mass-media that the project foresees the organizing and implementation at one and the same time in all partners’ cities of literary marathons with similar style and characteristics, which will be a unique and innovative European event. The marathons will start at the same time in the cities-partners – 11.00 a.m. Roman time and will last from 8 to 10 hours. Each city – participant in the project will choose the writer and its work, which will be read by famous in their countries and in Europe figures, also every European citizen over 18, who would like to take part in the marathon, as they agree to be volunteers in the event and sign a declaration for this reason. The work that will be read must be a literary masterpiece from 20 century. The reading will be done at public places, suitable to gather together numerous audiences. There are already registered volunteers in Sliven, who will read the short novel «The Bowler-Hat» of the Bulgarian classic writer Yordan Radichkov. Mini marathons in more than 180 libraries, community centers and schools from the region will be carried out for not over than 2 hours parallel with the main marathon. The event will be broadcasted in live via Internet. A DVD film about the marathon will be shot and it will be disseminated in the countries, participants in the European Literary Marathon. Web site: http://euliterarymarathonbg.iradeum.com |
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