book "Stefan Stambolov. The builder of modern Bulgaria" by Assoc. Prof.
Georgi Kokerov, dedicated to 120 years from the death of the eminent
Bulgarian statesman who laid the foundations of economic and cultural
progress of Bulgaria after The Unification of Bulgaria /1885 / was presented
on March 15 /Tuesday/ 2016, at 5.00 pm in "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional
Library – Sliven.
Stambolov /1854-1895/ is one of the brightest “builders of modern Bulgaria".
His life is part of the history of Bulgaria. Stambolov is an exile, a
revolutionary apostle, organizer and leader of two rebellions, a journalist
and a poet. The struggle for national liberation is his power. After the
liberation he is a public figure, politician, and a statesman, a fighter for
promoting freedom, democracy and progress in Bulgaria.
book "Stefan Stambolov. The builder of modern Bulgaria" is the result of
years of research by Georgi Kokerov and describes the childhood and
adolescence of Stefan Stambolov, his revolutionary activities, his political
views, his activities as a regent and a prime minister, his creative
activity, his death. It contributes to clarify the achievements of Stefan
Stambolov as a diplomat and a statesman, and his struggle for the
establishment of an independent development of Bulgarian undeservedly
neglected due to political situation during the last 50-60 years. Valuable
appendixes to the book are the detailed biographical notes about the figures
mentioned in the book and related to the activities of Stambolov.
Prof. Georgi Kokerov graduated from the Military Academy in Saint Petersburg
- Russia specialty "Radio Communications". He is habilitated an associate
professor in the scientific field "Communication networks and systems". He
worked as a lecturer in Vasil Levski National Military University (1973-75,
1978-89, 1996-2001) - an associate professor of communication networks and
systems, Associate Professor and Head of Research Department at the Veliko
Tarnovo University "Todor Kableshkov" (1989-94), Associate Professor at the
Technical University - Gabrovo (1998 - 2007), Associate professor in the
Department "Electrical and electronic Engineering" at the Technical
University of Sofia - EPF - Sliven (2002 -2009). He is a member of the Union
of scientists in Bulgaria. He wrote more than 70 scientific articles, 18
rationalizations, 16 textbooks (6 of which co-authored).
The interests of G.Kokerov in eminent figures and events in Bulgarian
history dates back a long time ago. He is one of the compilers, editor and
author of many articles in "Contemporary Bulgarian Encyclopedia" published
in 1993 - 1995. He is also co-author of the study "Kadrafil - the hill of
immortality" - dedicated to the long-standing dispute over the tomb of Hadji
Dimitar. He is a co-founder of the Association of Literary figures "Sveta
Gora" in the town of Veliko Tarnovo.
The book "Stefan Stambolov. The builder of modern Bulgaria" was presented by
Prof. Dr. Plamen Pavlov. |