From 11 to 15th of February 2019, according to a
pre-specified schedule, more than 700 students from "Dimitar Chintulov" High
School, "Zahari Stoyanov" High School, "Damyan Damianov" High School, "Prof.D.Tabakov"
High School," D.Rohhov "Sports School and others, visited the events of the
Love Week Program, organized by Sava Dobroplodni Regional Library. In front
of the young and emotional audience, the organizers presented a presentation
revealing unfamiliar moments from the life and work of
Interesting were also the exhibition of handmade valentines cards that Valentine's lovers exchange and the little known moments associated with this tradition.
A questionnaire "What is Love for You?" was also prepared for
the students. This question at the end of the meetings was answered with
lots of mood and smiles by all students. The responses in the survey ranged
from a deep disappointment "Love is nasty. I do not like it. It is pain and
suffering." Through the revelation "I'm still young to know" and "For me
love is the best story of life and the beginning of all good things in the
world." But it is great that for most young people "Love is inspiration" and
"Love is the bond that keeps family and friends
together. The thing that unites us and makes us happy." For a 16-year-old
teenager, love is a magic: "I will describe this feeling as follows: eight
letters are rolling gently in my head. If you ask me how I feel, I'll do
that. In big letters I will write out the blue sky "I love you!". O like the
eyes clear, I dream about every night. V like the chin I love to kiss. And
like the spark that sparkles between us. It's like the charm that makes me
fall into a trance. And like an angel, my boy. As the thoughts in my head.
Like the thrill I'm experiencing with you. It's like the emotion I feel with
you." In t All the students who visited the library during the Love Week received a scroll with a beautiful poem as a gift. On February 14th, with love poems, the library also delighted all of its readers. For the organizers of the "Week of Love" from Sava Dobroplodni Regional Library, the satisfaction of the evaluation of the events is "very exciting, impressive", "curious and interesting", "surprisingly pleasant" - such are the impressions of the participants in them and their desire to return to the library again and to experience unforgettable moments when they come in contact with masterpieces of literature and the arts on other topics. |