The Book “The Last Battle of Nikolay Haytov” was presented in “Sava Dobroplodni” Regional Library
The author of the research work, Ivaylo Hristov – a teacher in national psychology in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and a passionate admirer and defender of Nikolay Haytov, analyses the publications and statements of the writer on the topic: „Is there an exit for Bulgaria?”. In his book Hristov comments Haytov’s ideas for the national ideals, the fate of Muslims in Bulgaria, degradation of Bulgarian educational system, because of foreign influence, the mill, called television, accession of Bulgaria to the EU etc. Ivaylo Hristov offered his comment of the ideas, thoughts and hopes of the great Bulgarian writer in the last years of his life to the many-faced audience – famous Sliven authors, literary men, public figures, also many students. Hristov told very spontaneously and sincerely about his meetings with Haytov, he shared his personal impressions from Haytov. The other guest of the literary meeting, the literary critic Marin Kadiev, presented details concerning the discussion about the Vasil Levski’s grave, in which discussion Haytov stood his ground with dignity, “he set off against the whole state system and institutions”. The topic of the location of Levski’s grave attracted the interest of the audience again, provoked many questions and statements of the people, who attended the meeting. The topic was very curious for the youngest admirers of the work of Nikolay Haytov – the students of the Vocational school of electronics and electrical engineering in Sliven. Ivanka Deneva presented her “poetical flower” in memory of the great Bulgarian writer, at the end of the meeting, which increased the emotional atmosphere in the hall. |