






Ivanka Mihailova took part in collecting articles, needed by the “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” National Library for working up the bibliography „100 years April rebellion and Botev’s detachment in Bulgaria.


A meeting with the writer Ljuben Dilov was held in the children’s department.


The recommendatory bibliography “Dimitar Gundov was published. A compiler: Ivanka Mihailova, Jordanka Lazarova.

May 20

The library was awarded a diploma by the Committee of arts and culture and the Professional union of polygraph workers and culture institutes for its effective work with young readers in 1972 – 1975.

December 22

20 anniversary of “Georgi Kirkov” Regional Library was celebrated. The library was awarded a diploma by the Regional committee of arts and culture- Sliven for its effective public, political, educational and cultural activity.  

An exhibition of photos, dedicated to the jubilee was exposed.




A classified catalogue of records was made. Създават се систематичен и азбучен каталог на грамофонните плочи.


“Young friends of books” club started to function at the children’s department.


A plan for participation of the Regional library and the general educational libraries of the region in the activity methodological program of the libraries in 1977-1980 was worked up.

April 17-24

A discussion of the works of Ran Bosilek was held in the children’s department during the days of the Week of children’s books.


Ivanka Mihailova acted temporally as a director.

October 25 –November 3

A reading of poems of Soviet poets was organized in the library during the ten days of the Soviet books and records. A Day of the Soviet technical literature, a Day of the Soviet children’s literature and a Day of the Soviet public-political literature were carried out.  

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State and activity of the libraries in Sliven region symposium started to be published yearly.


Koljo Komitov was appointed to the post of a director of the library.

May 19

Day of the librarians started to be celebrated yearly in Sliven region.  


The library took part in the compiling of the “Informational bulletin of bibliographical references and card files, worked up by the Bulgarian libraries and informational institutions published by the “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” National Library.


 “Zaharii Stoyanovbibliographical index was published. Compilers: Ivanka Mihailova and Jordanka Ivanova.  




Music department differentiated. It placed at readers’ disposal 10 000 books, records and graphical issues.


The library and “Slivensko delo newspaper initiated an inquiry of librarians from the region on topic: “The role of the library for the intellectual development of contemporary readers”.


A catalogue of old-printed books of the libraries of the region was worked up.


A bibliography “A bright vestige in history was published. Compilers: Ivanka Grabeva and Jordanka Ivanova.


Children’s department started publishing annually recommendatory bibliographical lists for students from 1-7 grades.


The first stage of the four years’ plan of Bulgarian libraries’ activities worked up by the Committee of culture /1977-1980/ finished. The methodical department of Regional library managed the cultural activities of the libraries in the region and organized readers’ conferences, meetings with writers, book discussions, quizzes and book readings.

July 5

The library is connected to the central heating system after a repair of its heating installation.


Vala Neikova acted temporally as a directress.


A Regional meeting on matters of informational activity in general educational libraries was held.


The first Centre for regional studies and folklore in Bulgaria was opened.

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A regional department “Libraries” was established.


Alphabetical and classified catalogues of graphics on sheets was initiated.


“Most read book” inquiry of readers was organized.


150 years of Panayot Hitov’s birth bibliography was published. A compiler: Ivanka Mihailova.


The writers Georgi Konstantinov and Bogdan Gloginski were guests of the library during the days of the Week of arts and books for children.


The bibliographical indexes “Andrej Guliashki” and “Evtim Evtimov were published. A compiler: Delka Deleva.


A corner of fairy-tales was arranged in the childrens department.

July 5

A Chehov night was organized in cooperation with the Club of cultural figures in the library.  


A scheme for a classified catalogue on the Tables of decimal classification of the general educational libraries was published.


Bibliographical indexes A bright vestige in history andAuthorswinners of the “Dobri Chintulov prize for literature and art” were published.


A cooperation with the Town library of Gera /Germany/ started.




“Arts” department and a reading-room at it were differentiated in the library.


A meeting with the writer David Ovadia and a discussion of the documentary short novel “Levanevski” were held in cooperation with the Club of cultural figures.

May 19

A meeting of the writer Kamen Kalchev with the library’s staff was held in the library.

July 24

Ivan Bakalov was appointed to the post of a director of the library.

September 22

A plenary session of the Regional council for culture – Sliven on topic: “For perfecting the unified library system” was held.


A symposium „25 years “Georgi Kirkov” Regional Library – Sliven” was published. Compilers: Nadejda Lateva, Delka Deleva, Ivanka Mihailova.


A meeting with the writer Petar Karaangov was held in cooperation with the Writers’ association.  

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A classified catalogue of the reference fund of the library was initiated. It is maintained by the Reference-bibliographical and informational department.

May 21

By government decree 1266 “Georgi Kirkov” Regional Library was awarded “St. St. Cyril and MethodiusI class order for its 25 anniversary.

May 22

The library and the Geographical association organized in Sliven a Night of Mozambique.

December 15

25 anniversary of the library was celebrated.


A classified and an alphabetical catalogues of notes were worked up.



January 25

A meeting with the writer Stefan Pamukov and a discussion of the bookUnknown Loras letters were held in the library in cooperation with the Club of cultural figures.

January 26

A meeting with the writer Stefan Chirpanliev and a discussion of his bookThe rebel of Medvenwere held in the library.

April 14-15

Four concerts with readings There was a magician were organized by the library in the children’s department.

May 7-11


The library took part in the Sliven Fires cultural event by a readersconference Civil rudiments in Georgi Djagarov’s poetryand “Academic Dechko Uzunov – his life and work transmission.

May 26

An exhibition of ex-libris of Mitko Bakalov was exposed in the library’s foyer.

May 26-27

A concert with readings “Einstein and the music” for students from 4 schools was carried out in “Arts” department.

June 6


A meeting with the writer Stefan Pamukov, author of the bookUnknown Loras letters was held in the library.


An exhibition of modern Czech ex-libris painters Ladislav Karshiar, Jaroslav Kaiser and Jaroslav Horanek was exposed in the librarys foyer.

August 27


A meeting with the poetess Stanka Pencheva was organized in the library.

September 8


A discussion of Jordan Yankov’s book “Morning ateliers” was carried out in the library.

December 1


A meeting with the poets Georgi Strumski, Atanas Doushkov and Evgenia Genova was organized in the children’s department of the library.





The writer Asen Bosev was a guest of the library during the days of the Week of arts and books for children. 


Studio Musicoperated at Arts department. It carried out lecture courses on topic: “Ancient music” every month.



Exhibitions: „Sofia painters of ex-librisfrom St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Librarys fund, „Polish miniature graphics from the Polish culture institute, “Drawings of ancient paintersand French paintings from the library’s fund were exposed in the librarys foyer.



An exhibition „150 years a textile industry in Sliven region was exposed in the library’s foyer.



 “At the foot of the Blue Stones concert with readings of Sliven poets was carried out in the children’s department of the library.


The roof of the library was reconstructed.

November 10


A regional seminar on topic “Management of readingwith the participation of Zdravko Dafinov /“St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library/ was held in the library.


The central building of the library was reconstructed and furnished. 

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The part of classified catalogue concerning fiction was edited. An editing of the classified catalogue of the fund concerning books for libraries’ work started.  


An exhibition “Drawing of the month” was exposed in the library’ foyer in cooperation with the Atelier of young painters every month.

March 21

The library in cooperation with the Club of cultural figures organized in the House of literature in Sliven a discussion of Valentin Naidenov’s bookA laughing gas.

April 10

A meeting with the painters Toncho Tonchev and Dimitar Kavrakov was carried out in theArts department.

April 15

An exhibition dedicated to the Great patriotic war was exposed in the library’s foyer.

May 2


The library held a conference on topicIncreasing the quality of library and informational activitya factor for the science-technical progress with the participation of library and information workers from Sliven, Bourgas and Gabrovo regions.



The characterization of records and graphical issues was edited. A characterization of the fund of visual issues was worked out. 

May 21

“Georgi Kirkov” Regional Library was awarded a diploma by the Regional council of culture “for highest achievements in perfecting library services in the region.

June 21

An exhibition of paintings of Atanas Bojinov was exposed in the library’s foyer.



Courses of bibliographical description of periodicals were held for the staff of the library. Trainings in computers were held.


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