


The department and manage the support of the reference-bibliographical files and catalogues and the whole activity of such kind of the library.

It possesses a various and numerous book fund reference issues (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, guides, directories, indexes, catalogues of companies etc.), current and retrospective national bibliographical directories, bibliographical issues of other libraries and institutions and many modern bearers of information.         

The department’s activity is reference-bibliographical and informative, such as: oral and written bibliographical references on a topic. Librarians in this department compile and publish collections of issues on a certain topic and bibliographical directories.

 The electronic catalogue reflects all the books of the reference fund of the library.

Librarians inIssues about the regiondepartment keep and place at readersdisposal books, periodicals and bibliographical issues, containing information about Sliven and Sliven region.

Librarians help readers by oral and written references. By their help library publish valuable bibliographical directories and collection of issues, concerning the region.

A system of traditional catalogues, files and a data is supported, which reflects the unique fund of the department.

Scanning, electronic word processing, photos and graphics processing, color printingin format А3 and А4 is available.

Contact:  Rositsa Kiryakova  phone: 044/625397

                Tsena Markova

                e-mail: rkiryakova@iradeum.com

Hours:     Monday-Friday - 830 am - 600 pm

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